Working With Persistent Volumes in Kubernetes


The main reason behind containerization is to allow microservices to run in a stateless way. A container will receive provisioned cloud resources, perform its tasks, and then be destroyed as soon as the process is over. There are no traces of that container or tied up cloud resources to worry about. This was what has made containerization so popular in the first place.

Running microservices as stateless instances, however, is not always as easy as it seems. As more applications get refactored and more microservices rely on containers for efficiency, sticking with the stateless concept becomes harder and harder. Stateless containers don’t always have the ability to meet complex requirements.

A Complete Storage Guide for Your Kubernetes Storage Problems

Containers have emerged as a way to port software to wherever it needs to be. Containers with data needed to run the service deploy to a variety of computer systems, meaning data is now much more portable than ever before.

But what is persistent storage when it comes to Kubernetes? How can data managers make the best of their Kubernetes systems? And what are the overall benefits of a system like this?