5 Principles of Production Readiness

Ever wondered how to tell if an application is ready for production? What if I tell you that you can do this just by using five simple principles? Using just these five principles, you can assess your app’s readiness, and you don’t have to be technical to get them either. Well, let’s see what these principles are and how they can make your life easy.

Production readiness refers to when a certain application or a program will be ready to operate. Usually, if you are a developer, you will have to create a product life-cycle and develop a product yourself. Once the application is made, we call it a production-ready application. At this point, the application should be capable of handling production-level traffic, data and security.

Why Set Is Better Than List in @ManyToMany

In this article, we'll highlight the performance penalties involves by using List or Set in @ManyToMany relationships. We use Spring Data JPA with the default persistence provider, therefore with Hibernate JPA.

First of all, keep in mind that Hibernate deals with @ManyToMany relationships as two unidirectional @OneToMany associations. The owner-side and the child-side (the junction table) represents one unidirectional @OneToMany association. On the other hand, the non-owner-side and the child-side (the junction table) represent another unidirectional @OneToMany association. Each association relies on a foreign key stored in the junction table.