How Companies Can Build Enterprise-ready Apps and Compete With the Giants

Smaller companies have traditionally been able to tolerate quirks and technical issues when deploying an app, but larger enterprises have never really had this luxury. In order for an app to be enterprise-ready, it has to be able to keep all of the information that passes through it safe regardless of how many different hands it has to pass through. Considering that some major financial and social media apps may share data with literally hundreds of partners, that's a bigger undertaking than you might imagine.

If an app has to interface with any outside service, then it's also faced with the challenge of keeping all of the additional data it collects secure. Performance issues also factor into the question of enterprise-readiness, especially when scalability features become an issue. A few simple criteria can help technicians judge whether or not any particular solution is ready for the big time.

9 Excellent Methods to Prioritize Your Work

The ‘prioritize your work’ agenda often comes with its fair share of roadblocks. As a result, you may find a hard time juggling several important tasks at the same time. This, in turn, often becomes a recipe for disaster.

Nowadays, you can try to be productive in your personal life by using any productivity app available on your mobile device. Alternatively, you can also use a project management application like nTask to prioritize and manage your work aspect.

A Few Tips for Improving the Performance of Your Web Applications

In this post, we will mostly be talking about a few things that we should keep in mind while writing web APIs to get the best possible performance out of them. Most organizations work with large amounts of data that need to be processed every second. So, it's very important to keep things organized and optimized in order to deliver a great user experience. Let's discuss a few points to help you understand how we can work more of performance optimization.

Virtual Tables

If you're using MySQL or any other SQL-based database, using virtual tables is the best thing that you can do. Let's look at an example. I have three databases and in a single query I am fetching data from four different tables. This process may take some time. In that case, you can create virtual tables in your SQL databases, which are sometimes referred as views, and keep all the columns that you want to retrieve from all four tables. This time, instead of looking at all four tables, the query will pull everything into a single table. This will help to reduce the response time.

Don’t Give Up Yet… Keep-Alive!

We founded StormForger Load and Performance Testing SaaS in 2014 and while much has changed since then, one thing hasn't. 

HTTP is with its 24 years a well-aged fellow among the web protocols.¹ Today we are mostly using HTTP/1.1² or HTTP/2 and if you have fully embraced the new HTTP/2 world in your entire system this article is mostly an anecdote of past issues. But HTTP/1.1 is still alive and kicking for many systems. And even given its age, people are still forgetting about a very important feature that previous versions did not provide: keep-alive.³

New Dedicated Application Server Revs PHP to Peak Performance

How does this Peak Perform?

Running a PHP application offers a wholly unique experience compared to running applications in other programming languages like Java or Golang. In most languages, you have to start your application in order to respond to a client request; whereas, with PHP, you have a simple “.php” file that sits quietly until it is invoked by a top-level web server like Nginx+PHP-FPM or Apache mod_php.

Application Performance Review Process


Application performance Review (also known as Application Performance Walkthrough or Application Performance Assessment) is the process of review of an existing application (in production) to evaluate its performance and scalability attributes. The performance characteristics of the application are determined by its architecture and design. Applications must be architected and designed with sound principles and best practices. No amount of code fine-tuning can disguise the performance implications resulting from bad architecture or design decisions. Performance reviews let all stakeholders realize where they stand and take appropriate decisions.

I would like to see a review of this performance!
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Performance and Scalability

Performance and scalability are two quality-of-service (QoS) considerations. Other QoS attributes include availability, manageability, integrity, and security, which should be balanced with performance and scalability, and this often involves architecture and design tradeoffs.

Snowflake Performance Tuning: Top 5 Best Practices

How do you tune the Snowflake data warehouse when there are no indexes, and few options available to tune the database itself?

Snowflake was designed for simplicity, with few performance tuning options. This article summarizes the top five best practices to maximize query performance.