MySQL 101: Linux Tuning for MySQL

When trying to do some Linux tuning for MySQL, there are a few options that will greatly influence the speed of MySQL. Below are some of the most important of these settings to help you get started.


The first thing to look at is what swappiness is set to. This will determine the tendency of the kernel to swap out memory pages. In may cases, you will want to set this to "1" to keep the swapping to a minimum. A value of "0" will disable it entirely.

Open Source Databases: Pros and Cons of 3 Popular DBs

In the modern world of business, databases are a major pillar in the infrastructure of companies and how they run their operations. Every website you browse and every mobile application you download has to have a database running on the back-end in order to support the functionality you see on your computer or phone.

A large portion of enterprises rely on relational database management systems (RDBMS), although newer object-oriented models have gained popularity and usage in recent years. Even though Oracle remains one of the leading vendors of database services, more and more organizations are looking to open source solutions to meet their needs.