Penetration Testing 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Ethical Hacking

Every day, we use and generate huge amounts of data. And this data is used by different sectors like healthcare, finance, marketing, and others. However, data breaches are increasingly rampant these days. That’s why such sensitive information should be safeguarded.

This is where penetration hacking comes in handy. Penetration testing or ethical hacking is used to get access to resources. Hackers carry out attacks to uncover security vulnerabilities and assess their strengths.

A Complete Guide to the Stages of Penetration Testing

As per the new study, 95 percent of all successful hacks in the companies worldwide are the result of spearfishing. This is a kind of an email spoofing that targets a particular company or individual for stealing steal sensitive information or gain a grip on the network. 

As per the Statista, fig shows the nations majorly targeted by phishing attacks globally during 1st quarter 2020