How to Write an Effective Penetration Test Report

What Is an Effective Penetration Testing Report?

Following the recent trend of cyberattacks against IT infrastructure, service organizations have a steady rise in demand to conduct penetration testing on IT resources to ensure all vulnerabilities are identified and mitigated. Penetration testing is a technical cybersecurity procedure targeted at finding security flaws in a company’s internal and external networks, web applications, and systems. After a penetration test is completed, the testers must provide a penetration test report that documents the security issues identified during the assessment.

A penetration testing report is issued to an organization to present the risk associated with the security vulnerabilities identified in the infrastructure and provide remediation steps to fix the identified risk exposure. The test objective can be fulfilled based on the adequacy of the penetration testing report. Hence, a well-documented penetration testing report is as important as the penetration test itself. Below you can see the difference between the two types of penetration testing reports:

Automated Pen Testing With ZAP CLI

In the previous post, you learnt how to execute an automated penetration test by means of Zed Attack Proxy (ZAP). This time, you will learn how to execute the test via a Command Line Interface (CLI) which will make it possible to add the test to your CI/CD pipeline.

1. Introduction

In the previous post, the different steps were explained how to execute an automated penetration test. The application under test being used was WebGoat, a vulnerable application developed by OWASP in order to learn security vulnerabilities. This application will be used in this post also. The steps to be executed for a penetration test with ZAP are:

A Complete Guide to the Stages of Penetration Testing

As per the new study, 95 percent of all successful hacks in the companies worldwide are the result of spearfishing. This is a kind of an email spoofing that targets a particular company or individual for stealing steal sensitive information or gain a grip on the network. 

As per the Statista, fig shows the nations majorly targeted by phishing attacks globally during 1st quarter 2020