Transforming Messages With DataWeave

DataWeave is an expression language designed by MuleSoft. The language helps in transforming the incoming payload to various payloads as per the requirements.  Most developers write transformation scripts in the transforming message or set payload components. The language is tightly integrated with the Mule runtime engine and is a must-learn for every MuleSoft developer.

A few examples for transforming the input payload into various patterns:

JWT Token: Lightweight, Token-Based Authentication

Securing your website is the goal of every developer. As of now, there are many possible ways to deal with website security. With the HTTP protocol, it is a bit challenging since it is stateless.

What Is Stateless?

When a sender sends a request to the server, the server processes it and sends back a response to the sender. Then, the cycle is over and the state is closed. The next request, even from the same sender, is considered a new request, or a new state. In short, every request is new to the server.