Raising the Bar on Security by Purging Credentials From the Cloud

The Cloud is ubiquitous: any company looking to ramp up quickly will provision its compute, networking, and storage with its preferred cloud provider, and get started rolling out their products.  That makes total sense from a business perspective.  The Cloud has simplified development and automation exponentially over the years, and emerging tech such as AI and IoT will only accelerate this.  

However, the catch is that the very same foundational architectures which drive the Cloud’s efficiency, flexibility, and cost benefits ultimately also are its weakest links from a security perspective.   The result is the daily march of headlines we all read about: ever larger and deeper breaches of data and systems.

WebAuthn: A Great Solution…With Problems

A Quick WebAuthn Refresher

I think we can all agree that passwords suck. They’re difficult to remember, which leads to people simply reusing the same, weak, words/phrases over and over. They’re also easily phishable,  with ever more subtle and believable attacks happening all the time

WebAuthn (Web Authentication) promises to fix web passwords with a strong, simple. un-phishable standard for secure authentication. It is a credential management API built into modern web browsers. allowing web applications to strongly authenticate users. It is now a World Wide Web Consortium standard.