A Guide to API Types and Integration Specifics

There is plenty of information on the different types of APIs, common API architectures and protocols, and such. So, instead of providing general information, I decided to take a look at all these concepts specifically from the integration perspective including:

  • What exactly working with different types, architectures, and protocols of APIs means when you want to integrate several services with each other
  • What tools can be useful in such cases and what aspects you might need to be aware of. 

So, let’s kick off this topic with the first part – the different types of APIs and their integration.

How Fit Is Your API? Private, Public, Partner APIs

How fit does your API need to be? It may not be the case that your API needs to be "fit" enough to compete in the Olympics but running in a local 5km may be good enough.

The point is that not all need to get to the "Olympic" level below, because very often that simply would not be a reasonable investment. You need to hit the sweet spot of generating as much value as possible with the right level of investment.