BDD Tests on Github Actions With Cucumber Run in Parallel Jobs

Cucumber employs Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) for testing your application. This type of test is often time-consuming when running in the browser. You will learn how to run Cucumber tests on Github Actions using parallel jobs to execute the test suite much faster.

Github Actions Matrix Strategy

E2E Testing With Cypress on Jenkins With Parallel Pipeline Stages

In this tutorial for JavaScript end-to-end testing, you will learn about Cypress test runner for UI automation testing and how to use it with the Jenkins CI server. Cypress helps with frontend automation testing using a headless browser or just a regular browser. E2E tests often take a long time to run and for bigger projects, those types of tests can take dozens of minutes or even hours. To save developers time you want to load balancing Cypress tests across Jenkins parallel pipeline stages. Thanks to that, you can run your 1-hour test suite in a few minutes.

How to Speed Up Cypress Tests

Cypress is a Javascript End to End testing framework that has built-in parallelisation but in this article, we will cover Cypress parallel without dashboard service. You want to be able to run tests also when the external Cypress dashboard service API is down. It’s possible thanks to the Knapsack Pro client for Cypress with built-in Fallback Mode.

Parallel Builds and Modularity for Faster Releases

Together, we can release faster.

Leading software development companies are now deploying software multiple times per day. In this sort of environment, even small periods of waiting can add up to significant disruptions. One of the bottlenecks we have heard from our customers lately is with their builds. If you are deploying your software multiple times per day, you are a building your software multiple times per day, the faster you build, the faster you can deploy your software. We recently reduced one of our clients build times by almost 70% using parallel builds and modularity, which allowed them to release their software faster.

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How Do Parallel Builds Work?

Many popular tools support parallel builds including JFrog’s Conan, Maven, Gradle, and MSBuild. This allows you to utilize the full power of your hardware. Parallel builds analyses your project's dependencies and builds the modules in parallel based on the inter-module dependencies. According to Maven, your build performance can improve 20-50% by implementing parallel builds, but performance depends greatly on your software architecture (or how modular your software is). Below is an example representation of a software application’s dependencies. Each letter in the graph represents a module in the code.