How to Run Parallel Tests With CircleCI

More often than not, testers have to deal with a large codebase comprising hundreds or even thousands of tests. Most tests validating website or app functionality must be rerun on different platforms (devices, browsers, operating systems). 

However, running so many tests on different platforms can be immensely difficult, not to mention tedious and error-prone, without the right strategy and tech. The best and easiest way to test under such conditions is to use parallel testing. 

Debugging RAM – Part 1: Java Garbage Collection – Java Heap Deep Dive

There are many excellent articles on Java Garbage Collection, Java Memory usage, and generally Java heap. Unfortunately, they are all over the place. They mix architecture, concepts, and problem solving as separate pieces. A lot of the material is out of date or doesn't include pragmatic information for solving problems with the garbage collector. E.g., pause times, heap space usage, etc.

In this post, I won't go into memory leaks. They're important but this is a different subject I would like to discuss in a post on its own. 

How to Run Parallel Cypress Tests on BitBucket Pipeline

Do you use BitBucket Pipeline as your CI server? Are you struggling with slow E2E tests in Cypress? Did you know BitBucket Pipeline can run parallel steps? You can use it to distribute your browser tests across several parallel steps to execute end-to-end Cypress tests in a short amount of time.

How to Run Tests in Parallel

Distributing tests across parallel steps to spread the workload and run tests faster might be more challenging than you think. The question is how to divide Cypress test files across the parallel jobs in order to ensure the work is distributed evenly? But… is distributing work evenly what you actually want?