How Is DevOps Surviving Corona?

Illustration Designed by Raha Khademi
All around the world, Coronavirus is upending businesses and enforcing shutdowns. The IT industry, on the other hand, is stronger than ever and the demand for the DevOps market is rising; why is this the case?

Many governments issued mandatory work-from-home policies due to the spread of COVID-19. As a result, virtual communication tools and online platforms became an everyday necessity. Digital businesses that had integrated some elements of the digital transformation in their organization models continued providing services to their customers. But other non-digital businesses were not immune to the repercussions of this pandemic. Therefore, what guaranteed the survival of a business was its ability to carry out a digital transformation. 

This reality made a lot of businesses aware of the importance of a digital transformation and the role of DevOps in that process. That’s why DevOps is a nonstop movement that cannot be impeded by the coronavirus.

Sustaining Your Business the Remote Way in Pandemic

We have heard about the world has had to face uncertainties over various periods in the past. But I am sure most of us would agree that there has been nothing more severe than the present COVID 19 Pandemic, which has completely turned the world upside down if I would like to put it that way! Not only has it claimed millions of lives across many countries but has also severely dented many smooth sailing businesses as well as prospective businesses that were being planned.

With most of the countries having slipped into a complete Lockdown mode for the past 2 months, there has been a severe effect on the global economy as the world now goes through one of its worst recession times. For all the organizations big or small, it is about surviving the pandemic first and subsequently plan strategies to build an economy by putting businesses back on track. The Pandemic business recovery plan has to be strategized right now during the period of lockdown so that things can get moving as soon as the period of Lockdown ends.

How AI Is Helping to Battle COVID-19?

The world has come to a standstill with the near-exponential escalation of coronavirus pandemic. According to the World Health Organization, Coronavirus disease (COVID -19) is an infectious disease caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2). First reported in China on 31 December 2019, the dread of the Covid-19 has spread across the globe quickly. As of now, the total number of Covid 19 infections has crossed one million globally, with 51,000 fatalities and 2,10,000 recoveries. 

As the numbers keep on rising exponentially, world leaders have shut down their countries and are asking their citizens to stay at home. In fact, all the major cities have entered into hibernation as the public spaces remain deserted. Classrooms, landmarks, bars, shops, clubs, and restaurants remain closed while train tracks, airports, and roads appear eerily empty.