Pros and Cons of Outsourcing Software Development

If you notice the trend of outsourcing software development these days, you must know the fact that Vietnam is becoming the new powerhouse of skilled technical workers. They have a broad knowledge base to complete tasks as data mining, analysis, and innovation.

As a result, a productive yet cheap workforce is one of the reasons why many businesses are considering outsourcing their software. And before making any decision, let’s see how outsourcing benefits you and what all the bad sides are when it comes to this activity.

How We Managed to Transition to Remote Work Seamlessly

In this article, we wanted to tell you about how we quickly and successfully adapted our workflows, communication, and other routines to the COVID-19 self-isolation measures. The pandemic has truly reshaped remote working. And even though there were numerous articles on the topic over the past few months, now that the work is finally done, we have the time to share with you our own experience.

If you’re used to office coffee, enjoying it while having a friendly chit-chat with your colleagues at work, then being transitioned to remote work from home out of a sudden and without any preliminary preparation can be a truly stressful undertaking. That’s why the first thing we did was making sure our employees are well-informed of the changes to come. 

5 Reasons to Hire eCommerce Developers

In 2019, eCommerce sales surpassed $360 billion in the United States alone. With all the global developments and challenges, humanity has to adapt to today, the eCommerce industry is growing ever so rapidly and so does the number of SaaS eCommerce platforms—all with their own advantages and drawbacks in capabilities, compatibilities, and customization. And while most small and steady businesses are doing just fine with basic online stores built on platforms such as BigCommerce, Shopify, and Squarespace, companies with a plan to effective growth and a strong desire to establish a recognizable brand require a lot more than the basic functionality you can set up yourself. 

To build a successful, future-proof online store, they rely on the vast experience and tech skills of professional eCommerce developers. And here are the main reasons why.

Difference Between Black-Box, White-Box, and Grey-Box Testing

You can never be sure about the quality of your in-development software unless you test it first. Conducting a thorough analysis of whether your software meets all the requirements, whether it is secure, responsive, complete, and easy to use is crucial to avoiding technical debt and making sure your software is well received after the release. And this is exactly what testers do for you. 

Software testing is a process of investigation. A tester pushes your software through a great variety of tests to catch any hidden errors, unpredictable behavior, or functional inconsistencies. After every test, a tester files a detailed report that helps developers fix all the exposed issues, maintain the software error-free, and make sure it runs as intended.