MVP, Prototyping, and Outsourcing: Effective Solutions for Startups

When building apps, most startups face constraints corresponding to budget and resources. On the other hand, they need to compete with the big brands for delivering a sophisticated user experience. They need to take highly measured steps to prevent resource drainage and course correction while creating a product. This is why most startups rely on incremental development following the MVP approach and meticulous prototyping for app projects. 

Besides relying on an MVP development approach and well-articulated design prototypes, startup app projects also look for expert development at a competitive rate. Their search for expertise and competitive development rates encourage them to outsource app development projects. 

3 Mistakes Product Managers Make While Outsourcing IoT Product Development


Project management isn’t just about managing projects. It is a collaborative effort of stakeholders, ranging from in-house teams to outsourced partners. In all fairness, the latter is a more complicated space since an outsider in a possibly different time zone has to access your data, processes, and teams. While outsourcing digital product development projects, enterprises have a long road to trek. Issues from lack of credibility to unclear objectives are directly responsible for a failed engagement and ultimately a sub-standard quality of end output. 

If your outsourcing partner is not performing as per expectations, the fault may be at your end. Here are the top mistakes that project managers knowingly or unknowingly commit while hiring product development partners. 

Staff Augmentation vs Outsourcing vs Hybrid Approach: A Detailed Comparison


IT companies must deliver projects on time with quality. However, the needs in software development are ever-changing. As a result, it becomes impossible for one company to possess all the skill sets needed to deliver challenging projects. This is where the three IT models become important, namely,

  • Staff augmentation 
  • IT outsourcing services 
  • Hybrid approach 

Is one model better than the other? What motivates companies to choose one over the other? Let us discuss.