DevOps — A Booster or A Brake for Your Business?

Here's what to consider in your DevOps adoption.
Every company has to remain competitive in order to survive and succeed. This means your business must innovate and constantly improve your products and internal workflows. Whether you sell physical merchandise, provide some online services, or deliver values through a web-based application, your business definitely has to build some code, run it in production and manage some IT infrastructure at an ever-growing rate. But how do you achieve this?

Growing the numbers of software engineers can only get you so far. If all of the internal processes and workflows are manual, the numbers of software developers or Ops engineers become irrelevant, if their productivity is capped by some performance bottleneck or roadblock in form of approval from some executive. This is why many businesses, startups and global enterprises alike decide to undergo a DevOps transformation.

What is DevOps And What Is It Based On?

The DevOps culture of IT operations is a practical implementation of the Agile methodology of software development and infrastructure operations. It is centered on the automation of routine operations to free up the resources and time needed to innovate and improve your business performance. Let’s take a closer look at what DevOps is and what it can do.

Pressing Topics – Episode 2

Pressing Topics is a daily podcast hosted by Malcolm Peralty and myself. We discuss the news that’s making headlines in the WordPress ecosystem as well as related topics that catch our eyes. Generally speaking, if you listen to this show on a daily basis, you should have a good idea on what’s going on in the WordPress community.

In this episode, Malcolm and I review the most common mistakes WordPress theme developers make based on a veteran theme reviewer’s experience, the 10 best countries to outsource software development too, and a new proposal to the Plugin Directory Guidelines.

Due to a software issue, the volume of my voice in the beginning of the show varies from loud to quiet to loud again. The audio normalizes after about 5-10 minutes. I’ve made some software changes and am hopeful the audio quality in episode three is much better.

Stories Discussed:

The Most Common WordPress Theme Development Mistakes (and How to Fix Them)

10 Best Countries to Outsource Software Development, Based on Data

4 Reasons You Should Choose WordPress for Your E-Commerce Site

Jetpack 7.3.1: Maintenance Release

Proposal to Modify Plugin Guidelines

The transcript is in Rich-Text format. You can download the show or listen to it via the embedded audio player below.

Listen to Episode 2 of Pressing Topics