Debugging Heavy Load on Oracle Databases

A lot of enterprises rely on the Oracle database for their data layer. Although the licenses are costly, Oracle provides a proven product in terms of performance and scalability and very good support, so many people find it to be a good trade-off. However, every product will have certain limits. If Oracle is being used to serve data by busy applications, the number of parallel database connections will often cause bottlenecks. This can lead to high CPU usage on the Oracle side. It can also starve other applications from getting connections, leading to functional issues. So it becomes critical for developers to understand not just the number of connections their applications are consuming but also how effectively they are being used.

Before we dive in, there is one prerequisite for the below analysis to work. We need to ensure that an appropriate value is set for the module attribute. One of the ways to do it is during the connection creation. The application can set the initSql attribute to call dbms_application_info.set_module('<module-name>','<action-name>') . This will help us map the database connection to a certain application while looking at the oracle database.

Easy Oracle Database Migration with SQLcl

Database migration is not a fun or easy activity. It is often a significant hurdle in working with databases for developers unfamiliar with the process. It turns into this looming task that hangs over you like a black cloud. It must be done, but you are not looking forward to it.

While there are many tools to help with Oracle Database Migration, can’t we just get it down to a simple command? And can that same mythical tools help move these exports to other magical lands like the cloud?

Let the Oracle Database Operator for Kubernetes Do the Job

Hello everyone! New Year, New Life, and finally, old dreams and goals are coming out of the paper. For my first blog, at the beginning of 2022, I chose to talk about Oracle Database Kubernetes Operator, a.k.a OraOperator. 

In this post, I'll talk about Oracle Database Kubernetes Operator, a.k.a OraOperator, and offer a gentle introduction to Kubernetes Operator and Cloud-Native Architecture -- base for all.

Working With dotConnect for Oracle in ASP.NET Core


dotConnect for Oracle is a fast ORM for Oracle from Devart that is built on top of ADO.NET and provides you an opportunity to connect to and work with Oracle databases from your .NET or .NET Core applications. It is a fast, scalable data access framework that can be used in WinForms, ASP.NET, etc.

The article discusses the striking features of dotConnect for Oracle and shows how to work with it in ASP.NET Core.

Working With Stored Procedures Using dotConnect for Oracle


A stored procedure comprises a set of SQL statements and PL/SQL constructs that are grouped together. Stored procedures, as well as functions, can have input, output as well as input/output parameters. dotConnect for Oracle provides excellent support for working with stored procedures.

It is a fast, scalable ORM for Oracle from Devart that is built on top of ADO.NET and provides you an opportunity to connect to and work with Oracle databases from your .NET or .NET Core applications. You can use this framework in your WinForms, WPF, ASP.NET, and ASP.NET Core applications.

Classification With XGBoost Algorithm in a Database

In this article, we will look at how to apply the XGBoost algorithm, one of the most popular ensemble learner methods, in a database. Hopefully, it will be a useful study in terms of awareness.

Advanced analytical applications can be developed using machine learning algorithms in Oracle database software since version 9i. As the database versions are renewed, new ones are added to these algorithm options. The current algorithm list that comes with Oracle 19c version is as follows.

5 Ways to Get an Oracle Database

Do you want to get your hands on an Oracle Database but don't know how? Here are five ways to get you going.


Do you just want to type some awesome SQL and need a database to do so? Then is your friend. LiveSQL is a browser-based SQL scratchpad that not only allows you to pull off some SQL magic but also to save and share your scripts with others. It also comes with a comprehensive library of tutorials and samples. LiveSQL is the best place for anybody that is completely unfamiliar with Oracle Database and wants to get going.

Oracle Database Client Libraries for Java Now on Maven Central

Oracle has published its Oracle Database JDBC client libraries on Maven Central. From now on you can find Oracle Database related jar files under the group ID. You will find all libraries from version (e.g. ojdbc6) to 19.3.0 (e.g. ojdbc10).

Going forward, Oracle will use Maven Central as one of the primary distribution mechanisms for Oracle Database Java client libraries, meaning that you will also be able to find new versions of these libraries on Maven Central in the future.

Hot Database Connections for Serverless Functions

Preamble — Problems to Solve

Firing up new Serverless containers — a.k.a. cold starts — takes from one to several seconds (time varies per platform). To eliminate such cost/latency, Serverless frameworks keep already started containers warm for a period of time (duration varies per provider).

Serverless functions might make database access. Although less costly than starting new Serverless container, database connection creation and tear down may cost tens or even hundreds of milliseconds depending on your DBMS environment. This problem is exacerbated with Serverless functions that are are short-lived and cannot afford such cost on every call.

Comparison Methods for Object Types, Part 5

There are special member methods — map or order methods — that we use to tell Oracle Database how to compare two objects of the same datatype. This capability is critical when we want to perform an equality test in PL/SQL or when sorting objects in SQL.

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There is no default way to do this. In other words, if I create a simple object type, add it as a column to a table, and try to compare or sort, all I get are errors. Let's take a look. First I will create a table that has an object type as a column and add a couple of rows.

Uploading and Downloading Files: Streaming in Node.js

While the buffer APIs are easier to use to upload and download files, the streaming APIs are a great way to better manage memory and concurrency. In this post, you'll learn how to stream files between clients, Node.js, and Oracle Database.


The streaming APIs in Node.js are designed to leverage and simplify its evented nature. There are four different stream classes: Readable, Writeable, Transform, and Duplex. Readable streams (which includes Transform and Duplex) have a method that can be thought of like the pipe command in Linux, where the standard output of one command can be piped into the standard input of another command. Here's a command line example that takes the output from the ls (list) command and pipes it through the grep (search) command to show files that have the word "oracle" in the name:


Apex Collections (APEX_COLLECTION) is a package that comes with Oracle Apex and is one of the most important features that comes with Oracle APEX. It can be used in many ways for different purposes, but in general, you can think of Apex Collection as a temporary space to store complex data Types — non-scalar — for instance, full row of data from a table or a view (When you work with Apex Temporary table is not a real option). This data can be manipulated in any way and then stored in Table(s). Each Apex Collection can can has 50 varchar2 attributes (c001 -> c0050), 5 number Attributes (n001->n005), 5 date attributes (d001->d005), 1 CLOB attribute (clob001), and 1 BLOB Attribute (blob001). Each member has a sequence number and each collection must have a unique name.

In this tutorial, I will build a collection from the data stored in a table, add more rows from the table to the existing collection, and then I will show you how to add new member to the collection, how to edit a Member, how to delete a member, and how to save the collection back to the table. I will use some simple Dynamic SQL, and we will use dynamic actions too (many of them actually!).