Overcoming Critical Oracle EPM Cloud Migration Challenges With Testing

Due to the low cost of ownership, data security, real-time access to data, scalability, and flexibility, enterprises across the globe are looking to migrate from on-premises Oracle Hyperion to Oracle Fusion Cloud EPM. Undoubtedly, there are numerous benefits of migrating to Oracle EPM Cloud, but there are also some concerns as well. Business users, managers, and IT heads are worried about the initial cost of migration, business disruption, and risks. Furthermore, there is also concern about security, time to transition, ease of adoption, and data conversion.

These concerns are not vague. In fact, they are backed by some potential data.

A Step by Step Guide to the Final Upgrade From Agile to Cloud PLM

How Does Cloud PLM Differ from On-premise Solutions?

While on-premise Agile PLM allows for product development, processes, and development of product records and more; these are essential features of any PLM. Moving to the Cloud brings you a step ahead in the product conception, with the following advantages:

  • The cloud allows for the identification of individual tasks related to each status of the workflow and the overall change.
  • The cloud has powerful security that enables roles and privileges control to directly. Agile PLM on the other hand has no team security.
  • Cloud provides Page Composer that allows complete customization of the page layout while Agile does not.
  • Sub-classes are of unlimited levels in the cloud, and only of three levels in Agile: base class, class, and subclass.

To make the transition to the cloud easier, GoSaaS has a clear and well-defined process that captures input from within the company to ensure every requirement is fulfilled.

Dynamic SQL Injection With Oracle ERP Cloud

In this previous article, we learned how to design and Develop an Oracle Cloud BI Report. We will use the same Report and convert it Into a Dynamic SQL Injection based Report.

Log in to Oracle Cloud Applications and Go to Tools in the Navigator and click on Reports and Analytics. Click on Browse Catalog to launch the BI workspace.

Oracle Cloud BI Reports

Oracle Cloud applications are gaining space in the industry at a fast pace and as more implementations happen in Oracle Cloud, it has become important to query the data in the cloud and develop reports based on business requirements. Here are the steps to develop a cloud BI Report:

  • Login to Oracle Cloud Applications and Go to Tools in the Navigator and click on Reports and Analytics. Click on Browse Catalog to launch the BI workspace.
  • Select the "Custom" folder to create your own folder to keep reports.

5 Ways to Get an Oracle Database

Do you want to get your hands on an Oracle Database but don't know how? Here are five ways to get you going.


Do you just want to type some awesome SQL and need a database to do so? Then LiveSQL.oracle.com is your friend. LiveSQL is a browser-based SQL scratchpad that not only allows you to pull off some SQL magic but also to save and share your scripts with others. It also comes with a comprehensive library of tutorials and samples. LiveSQL is the best place for anybody that is completely unfamiliar with Oracle Database and wants to get going.

Quick and Easy Configuration of Oracle Data Science Cloud Service

Hello to everyone,

To use some features of Oracle Data Science Cloud Service (to save models, to read basic data about OCI, to establish ADW or Object Storage connections), you need to configure this service when you first turn it on. A description of this configuration is described in the getting-started.ipynb notebook that comes in the service. I prepared a .sh considering that some steps can be automated in this recipe. Through this article, I will explain how to use this .sh quickly.

Serverless Apache Spark: Data Flow Cloud Service

Apache Spark is a technology that is very close to becoming the industry standard among distributed big data processing platforms. It is possible to encounter Spark in almost every company working on big data. We can use this technology, which is widely used with the support of performance and many programming interfaces, in our on-premises systems as well as the interfaces opened by cloud providers.

In the past few weeks, Oracle added another one to its cloud services and launched the serverless Spark Execution Engine infrastructure on the Oracle Cloud infrastructure, and this service was designated as Data Flow. Now, users who want to use Spark can easily and quickly raise their Spark Execution Engines and deploy their applications to this environment.

Oracle Data Science Cloud Service

Oracle launched Data Science Cloud Service recently. This service, which can be used over the cloud, is actually a virtual machine and contains many pieces of open source software. With this service, it is aimed to develop a ready-made environment for developers interested in data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence, and to concentrate only on the tasks they are interested in.

Data Science Cloud interfaceThe interface of the Oracle Data Science Cloud service has the Jupyter Notebook interface that users are accustomed to and includes all the features in local installation.

Automatic Machine Learning (AutoML) Infrastructure — Oracle Data Science Cloud Service

In this article, I will talk about AutoML, one of the features that come with the Oracle Cloud Data Science Service, and I hope it will be a useful article in terms of awareness.

As it is known and mentioned in my previous articles, Oracle recently added a new service called Data Science to cloud services. This service has been offered to users as a platform where many libraries come pre-installed. This platform, which includes many features like prototype development, project development, model management, to the production of produced models, contains many new features. Undoubtedly, one of the most interesting and useful features is the AutoML feature.

Connecting an Autonomous Data Warehouse With Python

In this article, I will connect to an Oracle database running in the cloud (Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse) and make a simple regression application in python environment with a sample data taken from here.

First of all, I will make this application in Autonomous Data Warehouse (DB) which is offered as a service in Oracle Cloud. All I need is an Oracle Cloud account. You can get Autonomous Data Warehouse service, which is one of the services of Always Free (Oracle Free Tier), free of charge and you can provision and use it on the Cloud in minutes without any installation. You can follow the link for detailed information.