Is Windows 11 Safer Than Windows 10?

Windows 11 is already here. Let's take a look at what Microsoft has changed in terms of security and privacy in its operating system. Does Windows 11 protect users’ data better than Windows 10? How does Windows 11 resist cyberattacks?

Windows 11 was released on October 4, 2021. Earlier it produced plenty of hype with its version for testing. Even a simulator was created. I would like to note that this article was prepared before the official release of the new OS version. Some functions could have been changed, removed, or improved as it happened for example, with the minimum system requirements. Initially, Windows 11 was not intended for everyone (at least 8th generation Intel processors were required). However, the Windows community found a way to bypass the installation lock. Microsoft decided that it would not take action to restrict installations. In its blog, the corporation disowned possible problems, including problems with drivers on old PCs.

Developer Tooling for Kubernetes in 2021: Development Machines (Part 5)

Over the last year, we have witnessed a shift in engineering working habits. COVID-19 forced many of us into lockdown. Instead of working from the office, coffee shops, and airport lounges, I found myself mostly working out of my (hastily built) home office. For many of us, this meant shifting back to a workstation over a trusty laptop.

Not surprisingly, this did nothing to abate the heated discussion over which computers and operating systems are best for developing software. And so, in this final blog post of the series, you’ll get to learn a bit more about setting up your development machine.

What is ‘Load Average?’

Load average is an age-old metric, which is in existence since the 1970s to indicate whether the system is under heavy/average/low load. It is useful to indicate whether the system’s load is on an increasing trend or a decreasing trend. In this article, let’s learn more about 'Load Average.'

How to Understand 'Load Average?'

In most cases, 'Load Average' is reported as an average of 1 minute, 5 minutes, and 15 minutes. Please refer to the below screenshot:

I/O Waiting CPU Time – ‘wa’ in Top

CPU consumption in Unix/Linux operating systems is broken down into 8 different metrics: User CPU time, System CPU time, nice CPU time, Idle CPU time, Waiting CPU time, Hardware Interrupt CPU time, Software Interrupt CPU time, and Stolen CPU time. In this article, let us study ‘waiting CPU time’.

What Is ‘Waiting’ CPU Time?

Waiting CPU time indicates the amount of time the CPU spends waiting for disk I/O or network I/O operations to complete. A high waiting time indicates that the CPU is *stranded* because of the I/O operations on that device. For optimal performance, one should aim to keep the I/O waiting CPU time as low as possible. If waiting time is > 10%, then it is worth investigating it.

How to Kill Processes in Unix/Linux

There are different options to terminate a process in Unix/Linux flavor of operating systems. This article intends to list and provide examples of each option.


You can use the kill command to terminate a process by passing the process id. PID is the process ID of the process that you want to terminate. 

AWS EC2 Image Builder: Automating OS Image Build Pipelines

Automation continues to be a major growing trend in today’s cloud infrastructure landscape. Service providers like Amazon Web Services are integrating better, more advanced automation tools to make the life of administrators easier. Automation allows for workflows to be more efficient, especially with more tasks being executed without the need for human input.

Until very recently, however, some fundamental tasks couldn’t be automated. The creation and maintenance of operating system images is a good example. Admins have different approaches when it comes to creating and maintaining OS images for their development teams, but all of those approaches required a lot of manual work.

Comprehensive Review of Haiku R1/beta2

After about 20 months of hard work, the Haiku team has finally released, a few days ago, the second beta version of Haiku, the BeOS-inspired open-source operating system that aims to offer a fast, simple to use, and powerful alternative for personal computing. This time, I am particularly happy, even a bit proud of myself, because I have also been contributing with Portuguese translations for the user interface, and this is the first beta that includes those translations. So, let's celebrate!

I first wrote about Haiku back in 2018, right after the first Haiku beta was released. As an old-time BeOS user, I had been waiting for that moment. You can read my review of Haiku R1/beta1 in case you're curious (note: this is an external link to my blog since at the time I didn't publish at Dzone yet). So, today, I will write a few paragraphs about some things that have changed and share with you some of my impressions on what there's to love on this new operating system. And, just because it can be done and it's more fun, I will be writing, editing, and publishing this article just using Haiku R1/beta2. I will include a brief note explaining what software I used and if there were any difficulties.

Revisiting Desktop Linux: Drowning in the Deep End

A few years ago, I wrote about attempting a switch from my 20-year relationship with macOS to Windows and Linux. I ended up switching back to macOS, but as I was joining the recent throngs of many who felt that Apple was abandoning power macOS users, I was determined to try again.

With recent announcements of the new MacBook Pro 16", the Mac Pro, and Catalina not being as iOS-esque as we all expected, many of our worries are now less so, but still, there were other justifications for a change at the back of my mind.