Trust and Openness Are Key to Innovation

Would you trust your team members in this scenario? Well, metaphorically speaking, you'd better if you want to be innovative.

Innovation thrives on openness. While it’s common to think that innovation largely consists of revolutionary breakthroughs, in reality, it is much more common for it to be a slow and iterative process of gradual improvements and remixing of existing technologies in new and novel ways. 

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As such, being open with your own insights, and others doing likewise, is crucial to the innovation process.

Scrum Master: Creating Synergy at Work Is How the Magic Happens

Dramatization of what creating awesomeness through team synergy feels like

The world is changing more rapidly than ever, bringing with it more unknowns than known. And without strong leaders to guide our teams through this time of complexity and uncertainty, we won't fare very well at all.

But I can let you all in on a little secret: The key to enduring success in leadership is the ability to stay nimble and to "Leadershift," as John C. Maxwell explains in his book by the same name.