Moving the Service Mesh Community Forward

Service mesh is an important set of capabilities that solve some difficult service-to-service communication challenges when operating a services-style architecture. Just as Kubernetes and containers helped to provide a nice set of abstractions to deploying and running workloads on a fleet of computers, so too is service mesh emerging to abstract the network in a way that gives operators and developers control over request routing, observability, and policy enforcement. This provides a lot of potential.

The only problem is, although Kubernetes has emerged as a powerful API for abstracting underlying infrastructure for scheduling workloads, there is no one, single pragmatic API that surfaces the capabilities needed in a service mesh.

Contract Testing in HL Tech With Judge Dredd, Part 2

Welcome back! If you missed Part 1, you can check it out here

Consumer Expectations

Consumer expectations are expressed in Pact format. Pact format specifies sample interactions between a consumer and its provider. All interactions between them must be described separately with sample values, which can be later validated against a Swagger file. In Picture 6, a sample Pact file is presented which was generated based on Judge Dredd Agent.