Selecting the Right Open Source DB for Your Workload

So. Many. Databases.

The latest DB-Engines ranking lists 370 databases according to popularity. That’s certainly a lot. And the sheer number may lead some to go back to what they know, or rely on other developers’ recommendations. The more intrepid may even spend some time researching.

Suffice it to say that it takes some navigation to understand the landscape across all the database flavors. And mere understanding doesn’t necessarily lead to the right choice. Martin Kleppman literally maps this out in his noteworthy book, Designing Data-Intensive Appplications, O’Reilly. (Highly recommend this read.)

Selecting an AWS EC2 Instance for KeyDB

When searching for information on what instance type to use, the answer is typically, "it depends." This article boils down instance types with both general data on EC2 types as well as in-depth analysis of KeyDB performance and selection for different types.

The focus of this article will be using KeyDB as an in-memory database. There will be future articles on using KeyDB with FLASH storage, as well as with some of KeyDB-Pro's features, such as FLASH persistence and advanced querying, where many more cores can be taken advantage of under query intensive workloads (O(n) heavy operations, such as KEYS). When AWS Graviton2's are available, we will publish those results too.

Trip Report: Percona Live 2019

I had the opportunity to attend Percona Live in Austin, Texas between May 28 and May 30 along with more than 700 attendees. This was at least the 20th Percona Live event over the past 10+ years held in the U.S. and Europe. Percona Live 2019 Europe will be in Amsterdam September 30 to October 2.

The event began with keynotes from Peter Zaitsev, CEO and Founder of Percona, sharing his thoughts on the current state of Open Source databases. Peter’s presentation wrapped up with the introduction of Percona’s new cloud-native autonomous database initiative (C-NADI).

Open Source Databases: Pros and Cons of 3 Popular DBs

In the modern world of business, databases are a major pillar in the infrastructure of companies and how they run their operations. Every website you browse and every mobile application you download has to have a database running on the back-end in order to support the functionality you see on your computer or phone.

A large portion of enterprises rely on relational database management systems (RDBMS), although newer object-oriented models have gained popularity and usage in recent years. Even though Oracle remains one of the leading vendors of database services, more and more organizations are looking to open source solutions to meet their needs.

How to Get Started Using CrateDB and Grafana to Visualize Time-Series Data

Grafana, the open platform for time-series data visualization and monitoring that is quite useful for time-series analytics, makes a pretty compelling team when paired with CrateDB, the open-source distributed SQL database that simplifies the real-time storage and analysis of massive quantities of machine data.

Getting started using Grafana and CrateDB together is a relatively simple process, which this article will walk you through (these instructions pertain to macOS, but can be adapted for other platforms quite easily).