The Complete WordPress Security Guide 2023 – Step by Step

Note: You don’t need any other WordPress Security guide if you follow all the steps mentioned in this guide. Originally created for bloggers, WordPress has become a widely-used platform for website development and content management due to its ease of use, versatility, and reliability, making it an ideal choice for businesses of all sizes. As […]

7 Tips to Stay Safe Online

Cybercrime has been on the rise in recent years. The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center revealed that internet products clients lost over 1 billion USD to scammers. If you are an online consumer, you must learn tips on how to stay safe online by doing simple things. Read on to find out the simple things you […]

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How to Enhance Security Measures on Your Web Browsers

Stop threats before they can start with these tips

Browsers are the primary point of access to the World Wide Web. Every time you access the Internet, your browsers are exposed to potential online attacks. Browsers often provide an easy way for unauthorized users or hackers to access your private data, trace your daily activities or access your system directly.

You may also like: Endpoint Security With Browser Security Plus.

Overview of Browser Security

Your browser is an entry point for all malware or suspicious activities. It also means that your browser is vulnerable to attacks. Hackers or malware producers identify various loopholes to exploit browser functionalities and sneak malware onto your system.

WordPress Security Tricks to Keep Your Business Website Safe

With the increasing number of companies and business using digital marketing techniques to grow, cybersecurity is one of the rising concerns that should be taken good care of not only to protect sensitive business information but customer data as well. Appealing web design and quality content don’t make sure a website is secure, but one Read More →

The post WordPress Security Tricks to Keep Your Business Website Safe appeared first on WPArena.

Cybersecurity tips to protect your business from online security threats

Small business owners think that cybercriminal attacks are only a thing for the multi-billion dollar companies to worry about. However, criminals also love to prey on small and medium-sized businesses. Implementing a robust cybersecurity plan to help in reducing the levels of criminality is a need that small business owners must also meet. There are Read More →

The post Cybersecurity tips to protect your business from online security threats appeared first on WPArena.