Cloud ERP vs On-Premise ERP: Which Is Right for You?

One of the most critical considerations to make when selecting a new enterprise resource planning (ERP) system for your organization is whether to go with an on-premises ERP system or a cloud-based ERP solution.

Cloud ERP is growing more popular than ever before. Almost every ERP provider now has a cloud deployment option, and some have completely abandoned on-premise ERP services. “Hybrid Cloud Market Worth USD 173.33 Billion by 2025 and Growing at a 22.5 percent CAGR,” according to research published by Global Newswire in 2021.

GPU for DL: Benefits and Drawbacks of On-Premises vs. Cloud

As technology advances and more organizations are implementing machine learning operations (MLOps), people are looking for ways to speed up processes. This is especially true for organizations working with deep learning (DL) processes which can be incredibly long to run. You can speed up this process by using graphical processing units (GPUs) on-premises or in the cloud.

GPUs are microprocessors that are specially designed to perform specific tasks. These units enable parallel processing of tasks and can be optimized to increase performance in artificial intelligence and deep learning processes.

Export Mulesoft Application Logs To Amazon Cloudwatch

Application logging plays an important role in any software development projects. As much as we’d like our software to be perfect, issues will always arise within a production environment. When they do, a good logging strategy is crucial because it contains information about application events, messages, errors, and warnings, along with a few other informational events.

This article will provide deep insight on how you can export your application logs to other monitoring & operational metrics tools such as Amazon CloudWatch. We will be using the popular Log4j2 library in this example.

Open-Source Tools to Use on an On-Prem Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes has dramatically shifted the trade-offs of on-prem versus SaaS deployments. Thanks to the rich abstractions Kubernetes provides, deploying software on-premises can be significantly easier than it used to be. Because Kubernetes has achieved such high market penetration (and still growing), it is now a viable target environment for many software products. Nevertheless, Kubernetes requires external tools to be production ready, especially on an on-prem deployment.

The purpose of this article is to list tools that everyone should be aware of when it’s time to move an on-prem Kubernetes cluster to production, and by on-prem, we mean not in a cloud environment. In the cloud, it is obviously better to rely on cloud services offered by the provider.

How to Set Up Your Own On-Premises Hazelcast on Kubernetes

Hazelcast loves Kubernetes. Thanks to the dedicated Hazelcast Kubernetes plugin, you can use dynamic auto-discovery. Hazelcast on Kubernetes can also run in multiple topologies: embedded, client-server, or as a sidecar. What’s more, thanks to the Helm package manager and the dedicated Hazelcast Helm Chart, you can deploy a fully functional Hazelcast server in literary minutes. I already described it in the Hazelcast Helm Chart blog post, which covered the scenario when the client and the server were both deployed in the same Kubernetes cluster.

In this blog post, let’s focus on a more difficult scenario, where you’d like to set up your own on-premises Hazelcast on a Kubernetes cluster and then use it with a client located outside that cluster.

Add Mule 4 Standalone Runtime as On-Premise Server in Anypoint Platform Runtime Manager

Add Mule 4 Standalone Runtime as On-Premise Server in Anypoint Platform Runtime Manager

In this article, I will explain how to add a Mule 4 Standalone Runtime as an additional server in the Anypoint Platform Control Plane.


1. First, extract the downloaded Mule 4.2 standalone runtime zip file in your root directory.

Cloud vs. On-Premise Software Deployment – What’s Right for You?

In the modern world of enterprise IT, cloud computing has become an indispensable tool for the integration of outside services through remote servers handling requests and responses for the data that drives our lives. However, not too long ago, integrating with third-party services meant housing servers on-site and maintaining those connections yourself. This is referred to as On-Premise (on-prem) and is still a viable means for integrating the data that contributes to your application’s functionality.

Unsurprisingly, there are benefits and drawbacks to both means of integrating software and services into your codebase. In the following article, we’ll discuss some of the pros and cons to both cloud and on-prem, and try to give you a better idea of what you should look for when building out your application.

The Gorilla Guide to Kubernetes in the Enterprise, Chapter 3: Deploying Kubernetes

This is an excerpt from The Gorilla Guide to Kubernetes in the Enterprise, written by Joep Piscaer.
You can download the full guide here.

Deploying Kubernetes from Scratch

Deploying a Kubernetes cluster from scratch can be a daunting task. It requires knowledge of its core concepts, the ability to make architecture choices, and expertise on the deployment tools and knowledge of the underlying infrastructure, be it on-premises or in the cloud.

Selecting and configuring the right infrastructure is the first challenge. Both on-premises and public cloud infrastructure have their own difficulties, and it's important to take the Kubernetes architecture into account. You can choose to not run any pods on master nodes, which changes the requirements for those machines. Dedicated master nodes have smaller minimum hardware requirements.

Optimizing Application Performance and User Experience With NETSCOUT for Azure

In the era of Digital Transformation (DX) the IT landscape has expanded to environments that rely extensively on virtualization, hyper-converged infrastructure (HCI), and cloud computing. As a result, the number of servers and the quantity of traffic have been exploding exponentially.

The cohesive, albeit heterogeneous on-premises IT environments of the past have given way to a disaggregated, interdependent mélange of compute, network, and storage components, both on-premises and in the private and public clouds.

Klusterkit: An Open Source Toolkit to Simplify Kubernetes Deployments

Today, we're excited to announce that Platform9 is open-sourcing Klusterkit, a set of three open source tools available under the Apache v2.0 license on GitHub.

Our customers deploy their software on their private data centers that are often air-gapped environments (either for security reasons, or other considerations). These large organizations were looking to take advantage of Kubernetes and modernize their applications, while enabling deployment of these on different data centers that are often not connected to the outside world.