Linking Strategy to Everyday Work

TL; DR: Linking Strategy to Everyday Work w/John Cutler — ACB21

In this highly engaging speaker session from the Agile Camp Berlin 2021, John Cutler delves into the advantages of linking strategy to everyday work: Motivation, inspiration, seeing the big picture despite working on a small iteration.

Linking Strategy to Everyday Work (With Value Creation Models, and Time-Based Goals Like OKRs)

When teams can link their day-to-day work to a meaningful/concrete representation of “strategy”, they feel more inspired, and confidently work small while thinking big. Too often teams feel like they are iterating to nowhere, or locked into huge, prescriptive batches. Time-based goals like OKRs (alone) don’t help. In this talk we will discuss the difference between point-in-time goals and persistent value-creation models. My goal: inspire teams to adopt some form of persistent value-creation model and link their daily work to that framework.

How to Write Company OKRs for Effective Goal-Setting

It goes without saying that you can’t successfully run a team without formally documenting goals and objectives. That’s just like a shot in the dark.  The talented employees that you have would be of no use if they don’t have a common objective to look forward to.

Ever wondered how the giants of the industry slay the market with ever growing revenues? The trick lies in OKRs.

How to Deal With Developers Who Appear to Be Relaxing (Part 2)

Back in December, we published a piece that clearly hit a nerve with many of you. Entitled "How to Deal With Developers Who Appear to Be Relaxing," this article is a thoughtful defense of those developers out there whose bosses clearly have no idea what it is they do all day. And based upon y'all's reaction to it, this seems to be a fairly common phenomenon. 

But while the article also presents some useful strategies for managers who could use some help dealing with their engineers, I have a simpler and guaranteed effective piece of advice: