2 Examples of Projects that Leverage Java and JSON for Web Services

Java has some amazingly simple tools to make a developer’s life easier. One such tool is the JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) open standard file format and data interchange format. It leverages standard text to store and transfer data objects and makes it significantly easier to build Web Services solutions. It can be leveraged in any language including Java, PHP, .NET, etc. It is easy to read and write and easy to parse and generate data and it is a popular data-interchange language for developers around the world. In this article, we look at two specific web services projects utilizing JSON to build the foundation for business solutions. 

"As the web services market grows, the popularity of JSON is likely to grow as well."

5 Critical Areas of Focus for Software Product Development Partner Selection

Software product development is no small project! In order to be successful, the business needs more than an idea. Execution of that concept and the technical, quality, leadership, and support skills and experience of a prospective IT partner is paramount. Any prospective IT consulting partner must have experience in developing a software product for the market. In this article, we discuss five critical areas of consideration when selecting a software product development partner.

Software product development project are complex and the business must carefully select an IT consulting partner with proven references, skills and experience in software product development, maintenance and support.” 

Dark Side of Offshore Software Development, Part 2

Airbus lost $6 billion; the company’s senior management was forced to tender their resignations because of the project management jumbles surrounding the launch of Airbus A380. With 16 technical teams spread across four countries, the lack of proper supervision caused misunderstandings and losses.

Miscommunication led to designs by German and Spanish teams to be inconsistent with those of French and British engineers. They used different versions of the same CAD package that were not compatible. As a result, over 300 miles of wiring cables that ran the length of the fuselage did not fit.