Top 6 Programming Languages for Mobile App Development

Mobile application development industry in the last five years has multiplied in leaps and bounds, changing the way businesses function worldwide. With enterprises aligning mobile apps to their productivity in recent times, and with the rapid innovation in mobile devices across platforms, it calls for mobile app developers to write several versions of an application for many different platforms using a single language and many pieces of reusable code. Are you game for that?

Once you intend to realize your mobile app idea, it's time to validate it, understand the target market, and narrow down the platform on which you ideally would like to build your mobile application. As soon as that is decided, it’s time to select a programming language, keeping in mind your business strategy to make either native, hybrid, or cross-platform apps.

How to Integrate Multiple Windows Feature (Introduced in iOS13) in iPadOS

From this iOS tutorial, you will learn about:

  • Different features integrated into iPadOS.
  • What multiple windows on the iPad is.
  • The types of windows.
  • The benefits of using this feature.
  • What types of apps can benefit from this feature.
  • Steps to integrate multiple windows feature in iPadOS.

iOS 13 was launched with a lot of new features and functionalities. These advancements were not only for iPhoneOS but also for iPadOS. In this blog, we will talk about one of the most important features that recently launched — multiple windows. Herein, we will talk about how to integrate multiple windows feature in iPadOS.

How to Configure Multi-Camera for Video Recording in Your iOS App (Part 1)

Apple announced a new version of OS (iOS13), updates (for instance Siri;'s Voice Experiences), and new technologies and features during the Apple Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC), 2019. After getting a few queries from our clients about configuring dual recording in their iPhone apps, we decided to write this blog. It is a complete tutorial on how to configure this feature seamlessly.

You may also like: Learn Swift With This Hands-On Tutorial.

What You Will Learn 

Writing About Web Development [Prompts]

Ever struggle with what to write? No worries, we've got you covered. Here's a list of web development prompts and article ideas to help cure even the worst cases of writer's block. So, take a moment, check out the prompts below, pick one (or more!), and get to writing.

Also, please feel free to comment on this post to bounce around ideas, ask questions, or share which prompt(s) you're working on. 

Alert Controller In Objective-C


We have seen a security alert in iOS applications that looks like the following image:

In this article, we will learn how to create a security alert in Objective-c using Xcode. If you are a beginner and need help getting started, check out this tutorial on getting started with Xcode. 

Input Alert in Objective-C


We have seen an input alert in iOS apps that looks like this:

Input Alert In Xcode Using Objective-C

Example input alert

In this article, we will learn how to create an input alert in Objective-C using Xcode. I’ve written this article for beginners. If you need help getting started with Xcode, you can check out my first tutorial here. If you are familiar with Xcode, then add one button, provide touch-up inside, and jump to step seven. 

Objective C vs. C/C++: Getting the Message

Most of the time, working in cybersecurity, when we're reverse engineering an application we're working either with C or C++. Both of these languages use function semantics for method or function calls. Objective C is different — instead of using function semantics, where you use a 'call' instruction to pass program execution and state to a specific section of memory, Objective C uses message passing semantics. Let's explore exactly what that is, and how it differs from function semantics. We'll start by outlining exactly what function semantics are and how they work. To do that, we'll need to outline use of the call instruction and name mangling in C++.

C code is pretty straightforward to analyze. A function call in C will look something like this:

Guide to Convert Objective-C iOS Apps to Swift

Apple launched its new native language called "Swift" back in June 2014 for creating apps for iPhone, iPod, Apple Watch and other apple devices. Apple promised that it is a lot faster and simpler than Objective-C. In this article, we will discuss how to convert a legacy iOS app written in Objective-C language to Swift without rewriting all the code from scratch.

To understand this article, you should be familiar with both Swift and Objective-C. Here is a quick getting started to Swift article. Another guide for Swift ( is there to help you get going.