How To Obfuscate Personal Data in Practice


In order to reduce the possibility of a data breach, organizations are applying controls to ensure personal data is adequately protected. The main motivator for this shift is still the ‘dissuasive’ effect of the fines that can be applied by supervisory authorities under the GDPR (Article 83.1).

Fines to sanction non-compliance issues have been steadily escalating to the upper levels allowed by the Regulation, as in the case of Amazon, facing a €746 million penalty (July 2021), or WhatsApp in Ireland, with €225 million (September 2021).

Protecting Your React.js Source Code With Jscrambler

React.js is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. The 2019 "State of JavaScript" survey puts React as the front-end framework of choice, with 72% of responders stating that they have used it and would use again.

With its elegant programming style, rich package ecosystem and good documentation, React has found its way into powering the applications of large enterprises. Specifically, the developer survey found that 18% of responders who are using React work for companies with over 1000 employees.