Use Socket.IO With Nuxt.js/Vue.js

For one of my recent Nuxt.js projects, I had to use Socket.IO to send the data from the server to the users in real-time without reloading the whole page. Initially, I was using Vue.js, but then the client insisted on implementing Nuxt.js for the server-side rendering purpose.

First, I used Axios as a middleware to send and receive HTTP requests. Axios is a great library to send and receive data without loading the whole page. It works great with Vue.js and Node.js. But the problem with Axios is that it only sends the response once with res.send or res.end method. If you try to send two or more times with these methods, then the app crashes.

How to Parse and Standardize Street/Postal Addresses

For any apps or websites that work with addresses, it's necessary for these addresses to be validated and parsed, as well as standardized and verified. There are various mechanisms that are best suited to different projects, so figuring out what you need exactly isn’t always that easy.

What Problems Appear Around Parsing and Standardization?

There are three primary issues that often occur in the parsing and standardization process.

Node.js and Yarn for Happy Local Package Development

This is not another praise piece for npm package management with Yarn, but rather a concise recipe for working with locally developed packages.

npm modules begin their lives when you init them on your local dev machine, but there comes a point when you want to test them out or simply use them with other Node.js projects you have.