How to Test and Benchmark Database Clusters

Benchmarking will help you fail fast and recover fast before it’s too late.

Teams should always consider benchmarking as part of the acceptance procedure for any application. What is the overall user experience that you want to bake into the application itself? Ensure that you can support scaling your customer base without compromising user experience or the actual functionality of the app. 

What CDOs and CAOs Struggle With Most

Our team recently attended the Chief Data & Analytics officers (CDAO) conference in Boston and used the opportunity to conduct an informal poll. The conference wills packed with C-suit executives trying to wrangle big data at companies like Tesla, Lionsgate, AMD, Capital One, and Ford. We asked everyone about their analytics challenges. There were two standout issues that we kept hearing about again and again.

1. Their data scientists get bogged down with data access challenges

A recent study showed that data preparation and data engineering tasks represent over 80% of the time consumed in most AI and Machine Learning projects.