How to Easily Add CSV Import to Your React App

CSV is convenient. The likes of Excel, Google Docs, spreadsheet export functions, and reporting applications all support CSV in some capacity. CSV works well with large data sets and the major perk is that it can easily be converted to other formats such as XML or JSON.

This is where the hard part starts: how do you easily convert CSV data for your app, MVP, or SaaS? For JavaScript-based applications, there are a plethora of free CSV parsers available. While these libraries are great, open-source is known to pose a security risk such as relaxed integration oversight and potentially poor and integrated practices.

Is Node.JS Popular in 2022?

Trends in the information technology sector are constantly changing, and something that has popularity now can become inefficient in the next year. You may wonder whether Node.js is still popular or not. Well, Node.js is quite relevant and popular. If you are a developer who provides NodeJS development services, you should not be worried about its demand. Most companies utilize Node.js, and whether it is big or small, they all use this framework in some proportion. It is an excellent piece of technology with multiple advantages and makes it a great option for many scenarios.

Creating an ideal technology stack for secure, powerful, and strong digital solutions can be the most challenging task. Various frameworks and programming languages are there that impact app’s efficiency. So, it is imperative to opt for the correct tech stack from beginning to app development. When creating eCommerce websites, streaming services, messengers, etc., developers go for Node.js. By reading further, you will see the reasons for Node.js popularity and why everyone still prefers it.