Uploading and Downloading Files: Streaming in Node.js

While the buffer APIs are easier to use to upload and download files, the streaming APIs are a great way to better manage memory and concurrency. In this post, you'll learn how to stream files between clients, Node.js, and Oracle Database.


The streaming APIs in Node.js are designed to leverage and simplify its evented nature. There are four different stream classes: Readable, Writeable, Transform, and Duplex. Readable streams (which includes Transform and Duplex) have a method that can be thought of like the pipe command in Linux, where the standard output of one command can be piped into the standard input of another command. Here's a command line example that takes the output from the ls (list) command and pipes it through the grep (search) command to show files that have the word "oracle" in the name:

How to Use Node.js for Your Website and Application

Node.js is built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine and one of the popular open-source JavaScript runtime environments, which can be used to create a website, upload files, and create a TCP App on ECS. In this article, you will get some useful information on these.

How to Build a TCP Application With Node.js on ECS

Before you start the process, you will need a machine running a Linux/Unix distribution such as Ubuntu or macOS, a code editor/IDE with Node.js installed on it, and a basic working knowledge of Node.js.

How to Build a TCP Application With Node.js on ECS


Before you start the process, you will need a machine running a Linux/Unix distribution such as Ubuntu or macOS, a code editor/IDE with Node.js installed on it and a basic working knowledge of Node.js.

Creating a TCP Server

To begin, create a directory where you would like to store your application. For this tutorial, we will create our application in ~/nodejs-tcp-app.

How to Use TypeScript With Node.js

The lion's share of JavaScript developers prefer to use TypeScript in their projects as it helps avoid some problems at the assembly stage while still including many valuable features. Today we are going to share with you how to use the Backendless JS-SDK in conjunction with TypeScript in a project with a Node.js backend. Backendless is a fully isomorphic library and it can be used in both a browser environment and a Node.js backend environment and in most cases it also works well in other environments like React Native, Appcelerator, etc. The JS-SDK has been designed as a plain JavaScript library, but a few years ago we added types definitions for all methods and classes, so you can use the JS-SDK in your TypeScript projects without additional settings.

Create a Simple Web Server

At this stage, we will create a simple Node.js app. To do so, you must have Node.js installed on your machine; if you don't have it yet, you can install the language from their official site at this link: https://nodejs.org.

Create a Simple Shopping Cart Using React and Node

Web development has never been more exciting than now, with the introduction of new technologies and techniques, thanks to the dynamism and evolution of JavaScript. Now a web application can be configured using only JavaScript. This is made possible through the introduction of Node.js, which can be used on the server-side to manage data, and also the creation of several JavaScript frameworks, such as React.js, Angular, and Vue.js, which manage and control the client-side of the application.

In this article, we will be learning how to build a simple shopping cart app, using React.js as the front-end framework, and a backend server built using Node.js and Express.js.

Self-Deploying Node.js Applications

A few days ago I was watching a Youtube a talk given by Kelsey Hightower titled, “Self Deploying Kubernetes Applications.” In this talk, which is a bit old now (over a year), he was demoing a Golang application capable of running locally but also capable of deploying itself into a Kubernetes cluster.

This is how deploying applications into the cloud should be, instead of copy/pasting/modifying configuration files or issuing cryptic commands. It should be as simple, just like running a process on our laptop. So, after watching this talk, I started to think about how to achieve this with one of my favorite programming languages, JavaScript/Node.js.

Node.js Tutorial for Beginners (Part 4): Making an App Responsive With Bootstrap

Introduction and Project Refresh

Throughout this series, we've been building an application to keep track of the National Parks we've visited. In the last article, we looked at how to transfer data between two Express-based web pages using the body-parser middleware. In this post, we'll look at how to style our pages and make them responsive using the open source Bootstrap framework.

Quick PSA: If you're smart, you'll do what I didn't and wait to make any CSS tweaks until after Bootstrap has been properly integrated and all our elements are responsive.