Guide to Install NPM and Node JS on Mac and Windows

With exponential growth and demand for full-stack development, JavaScript has become a reliable technology for developing a full-fledged business application.

Several backend and frontend frameworks and libraries are available, which are based on JavaScript and are highly compatible with each other. Node JS is a technology that professionals appraised for fabricating a scalable server-side for robust and responsive applications.

What’s New With Node? Interview With Bethany Griggs, Node.js Technical Steering Committee

Node.js 14 is available now. We wanted to get more context and details about the state of Node, and why developers should care about Node.js 14. We talked with Bethany Griggs, Node.js Technical Steering Committee member and Open-source Engineer at IBM, to find out more. 

Bethany has been a Node Core Collaborator for over two years. She contributes to the open-source Node.js runtime and is a member of the Node.js Release Working Group where she is involved with auditing commits for the long-term support (LTS) release lines and the creation of releases. 

API Development Using AWS Serverless Architecture

I recently had the opportunity to work on an AWS-based Serverless architecture solution. This is for ZIP files processing requirements. At a high level, the requirements expected to be delivered from AWS are summarized below:

  1. Create a final output zip file from the contents of source zip files and arrange them in a specific hierarchy of folder structure. There are 2 Systems that will make source ZIP files available in the S3 bucket.
  2. Delete the set of files requested by Pega.
  3. Transfer the output zip file to the external SFTP server.

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