Demo: How to Build a No-Code to-Do App With UI Builder

With "no-code" tools, anyone can build a mobile or web app faster than ever before. In this step-by-step demo of Backendless UI Builder, we walk you through the creation of a fully Codeless To-Do app.

The Backendless UI Builder is one of our favorite features in Version 6. UI Builder is a no-code, drag-and-drop interface for building the frontend of your app. Whether your app is mobile, web, or both, you can design for all platforms. 

Code or NoCode?


NoCode is a great concept that empowers nonprogrammers to build applications without having to become software developers; however, some people believe that NoCode will eventually replace traditional coding (i.e. that you can build anything on NoCode platforms). If you are starting a project with this mindset, you may end up sorely disappointed.

NoCode is a tool that complements traditional coding within the technology stack of an organization. There are certain types of projects that are ideal for NoCode, while others shouldn’t even be considered.

No-Code: An Emerging Technology

COBOL was taught to me as a programming language that can supposedly be used directly by businesses, rather than businesses contacting programmers to write the code. For people who have never tried COBOL, you write programs called “Essays” with “Paragraphs” with a lot of capital letters and with whitespace margins on the left. The software industry always has this fascination with no-code technology. They want businesses to be able to create software that is not lost in the translation. This clearly proves the point that building software is not a technology problem, but rather a communication problem when it comes to actually using the technology.

The closest anyone has gotten to success with a no-code tool is none other than with the infamous Excel sheet. Why is it so successful? — because the data, formula, and outputs were close to each other, and the software required users to overcome only a very small learning curve. Business people who started using it turned it into a personal software that does a lot of things for them but is not useful to put to use even in simple production scales or to customize it for others. I have been given Excel sheets during the requirements phase and asked to transform that into software that can be used and extended as well. So though it worked, it could not scale to be a full-fledged software.

Application Development: Are You Making the Right Investments for Speed?

In our 2020 state of application development survey, 21 percent of 2,200 IT professionals said they were changing faster than their competition, and 19 percent and 21 percent said they could deliver mobile and web apps, respectively, in 1-2 months or less. How do they do it? According to our Speed of Change report, they use modern application development technology that drives a customer focus and increases their speed. But before you rush off and invest in an application development platform that promises speed, there are some things to consider to ensure you invest wisely.

Ready to Develop an Application at High Speed? Not so Fast

Consider everything involved with hand-coding an app, scaling it, and changing not long after it is released. Describing the development process would increase the length of this post to War and Peace proportions. And my figurative hat goes off to all the designers, developers, and architects who spend as much as 12 months doing this. But what if it’s a virtual care app that has to go live in a month?