Making the Case for Observability to Your Boss

One of the things the other developer relations advocates here at New Relic and I often hear from customers is, "Even though I understand why observability is important, I'm having a dickens* of a time getting leadership to buy in (literally)."

Let me begin by pointing out how important it is for us — IT practitioners — to be willing and able to speak to management and leaders of the business about the work we do, and to do so in a way that is understandable and meaningful to the audience. I'm not implying you have to explain observability in a patronizing "explain it like they're five" kind of way. I mean you need to explain the WHY of observability in the context of what the audience feels is important.

Logging With New Relic for Mulesoft APIs

What Is New Relic?

New Relic is web application performance service designed to figure in real-time together with your live web app. New Relic Infrastructure provides flexible, dynamic server monitoring. You can see the important performance data of your app in New Relic, like browser reaction time by geography and browser type, web transactions in real-time, etc.

Steps to Registering With New Relic

  1. Go to
  2. Click on Sign Up if you do not have an account already.

New Relic sign-up screenshot.