What’s New in Mule 4.4 – With Example


Mule 4.4 version was released on November 2021. This version includes:

  • Enhancements on Logging mechanism
  • Correlation ID Management
  • Dataweave (v2.4.0)
    • New properties for data formats
    • New function modules and features
  • Flagging mechanism

Logging Mechanism

In Mule 4.4 logging mechanism is enhanced with MDC (Mapped Diagnostic Context). The MDC concept is introduced to maintain the complex distributed application logs, which means multiple client logs can be simplified for auditing using MDC. To know more about the concept you can follow here.

Inside Milvus 1.1.0

Milvus is an ongoing open-source software (OSS) project focused on building the world's fastest and most reliable vector database. New features inside Milvus v1.1.0 are the first of many updates to come, thanks to long-term support from the open-source community and sponsorship from Zilliz. This blog article covers the new features, improvements, and bug fixes included with Milvus v1.1.0.

New Features

Like any OSS project, Milvus is a perpetual work in progress. We strive to listen to our users and the open-source community to prioritize the features that matter most. The latest update, Milvus v1.1.0, offers the following new features:

Laravel 6 — What’s New?

This month we have witnessed a major release of our favorite PHP framework. Laravel is turning eight this year, and the older it gets, the more we like it. Just like a kid… Not to say we didn’t like it before! 

In this article, I’ll give you a quick run through on the most important changes with this major release. 

Java 9 Performance Improvements — Getting Started With Java Spring

In my previous article, I wrote about the Modularity System, which was introduced in Java 9. This was the most major feature of the release, but there are other significant ones which worth to mention. With this writing, I would like to continue the Java evolution line by taking a glance about the main Java 9 features according to the performance improvements.

Java 9 Feature: Performance Improvements

Garbage Collector Deprecations

In Java 9, the most significant performance upgrade was concerned with the Garbage Collection. They introduced a new default one and removed the olds.