Optimization of .NET Applications: A Big Result From Small Edits

One old and simple idea runs like a golden thread through this article: Premature optimizations are evil.

Sometimes it happens that optimization and readability go in slightly different directions. Code may work better, but it is harder to read and maintain. And vice versa — code is easy to read and modify but has some performance problems. Therefore, it is important to understand what we are willing to sacrifice in such cases.

Top 5 Benefits and Advantages of .Net Framework for Developing Business Applications

The .NET Framework is one of the programming models which supports the construction and operations of various applications for Windows, Windows Phone, Microsoft Azure, and XML internet services. It is created by Microsoft and operates on Microsoft Windows. The .NET Framework includes a large class library which is known as Framework category Library, and another one is called customary Language Runtime that provides the ability to understand the language across many programming languages.

This structure was designed to beat numerous issues of application advancement together with long development times, weakness to vary applications rapidly, cost of ownership of the software is quite high, and deployment was quite difficult.

A Brief Walk Through the .NET Ecosystem

If you are working as a developer and want to switch to the .NET world, you will need to know what are possibilities for you inside. As .NET Framework is the most popular technology from .NET Ecosystem you can use it to build different kinds of applications, but these days, there are some new things, like .NET Core and .NET Standard library. Is this something we can use in a project or build?

There is some confusion when trying to use specific tech stack in the .NET ecosystem, as there are so many options, such as which type of runtime should you use? In this text we will try to make all of these points clear.

ASP.NET Core and Its Effectiveness in Building Web Applications

Is ASP.NET Core right for your development needs?

Earlier, businesses didn’t have multiple options to develop customized web applications with unique features using cutting-edge programming languages. To offer the optimal user experience, they had to invest more in infrastructure. Today, digitization has revolutionized the software industry. When it comes to building a web application, there are multiple technologies to pick from, and ASP.NET Core is prime amongst them.

ASP.NET core is an open-source web framework from Microsoft. Released in 2016, this web framework is one of the best alternatives to Windows-hosted ASP.NET applications.

.NET Framework vs .NET Core

Do you take the red pill or the blue pill?

.NET Framework vs .NET Core – This is an old and on-going debate about which run-time to use to develop software applications.

But, at the same time, we are also aware that .NET Core is adding new features and functionalities to simplify the development and testing of desktop, web, cloud, and mobile applications.