Delegates: Can’t Deal With Them, Can’t Live Without Them


There is a famous quote by Jim Henson: “If you can’t beat themJoin them”.

It’s possible to write code for years without deliberately using delegates. I say “deliberately” because we may have used them without realizing it. Knowing what these types represent makes reading code easier. Knowing how to use them adds some useful tools to our developer toolbox. So instead of ignoring them, why not learn them. In this post, I will show you how you can get started with delegates and their use cases, which will encourage you to use them more in your code.

Moving Forward With .NET Events, Event-Handlers, and CustomEventArgs


In the previous post on Events, we talked about how we are surrounded by events and how useful they can be when writing loosely coupled code. We saw how we can define events, raise, and finally handle events. If you haven’t already, then I will suggest reading that post for the background and then the topics in this post will be easier to follow.

In this post, we will continue our journey and move forward with learning more about Events implementation in .NET. One of the common requirements when raising events is how can we pass data along with event notifications to event-handlers. A very common way to do it using Custom EventArgs.