Under the Hood of .NET-Based Lambda Function Parameters

This article assumes you have the relevant knowledge to set up and deploy a .NET-based lambda function. You can follow the instruction in this blog if you need some background. Now, let’s review some underlying features of this service so that you can produce more of it in the deployment phase and while it’s up in the air.

Before We Begin

Before diving into the deep water, to produce a benefit from this blog post, you should be familiar with Lambda function concepts and have AWS Explorer installed in your Visual Studio instance. Furthermore, you’d better obtain .NET Core version 2.1.3 or above.

HttpClient: How to Remove Charset From Content-Type Header

I was writing a client library for one online service and faced a situation where I had to remove the charset definition from the Content-Type header. It was like the content type was an application/json or the response was a 415 "Unsupported media type." I was using the HttpClient class to communicate with the service and without any additional effort charset doesn't go away. Here is how I got the charset definition away from the Content-Type header.


My problematic code was similar to the code shown here.

Error Publishing .NET Core App in Azure DevOps YAML Build

Short story, I've created a simple YAML build for a .NET core project where one of the tasks publishes a simple .NET core console application. After running the build I got a strange error in the output:

No web project was found in the repository. Web projects are identified by presence of either a web.config file or wwwroot folder in the directory.

Switching Between .NET Core SDK Versions

In this article, we’ll learn how we can switch between the versions of the .NET Core SDK as per our needs.

If you have worked on one project that used .NET Core version 2.1 and then you installed .NET Core 3.0 Preview, you will get an SDK error while trying to run your .NET Core 2.1 project. This is because your current SDK version has changed to 3.0

Dependency Injection in .NET Core Console Applications

ASP.NET Core uses a built-in dependency injection mechanism provided by Microsoft. This blog post introduces how to use the same mechanism in .NET Core console applications. For those who like other DI/IoC frameworks, this article provides a demo about how to use Autofac with .NET Core framework-level dependency injection.

Framework-Level Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Core

I don't describe here details of dependency injection in ASP.NET Core. Those who want to find out more about it can skim through these writings: