Chicken or Egg? Are We Building in Roadblocks Waiting for Feedback?

User feedback is vital to the success of our projects. It can help us identify which new ideas we should pursue as we develop and can keep us focused on delivering just what users need.

Minimum Viable Feedback (MVF)

We have all seen projects that didn’t have the right user validation and feedback. We know this information is important, but getting it, and using it effectively, can be difficult. This can be especially problematic with new projects where you can get into that tricky phase of being slightly ahead of where the users are. It may be tempting to wait to proceed based on user feedback, but that leads to a “chicken or egg” scenario. The faster you can provide meaningful improvements, the greater the adoption, which means greater feedback.

How to Build an MVP: The Best Feature Prioritization Techniques

According to a study conducted by the SBA’s Office of Advocacy, four out of five small businesses survive one year. BCG Global Innovation Survey 2015 reports that 42% of innovations fail by virtue of long development time. 

Choosing the wrong idea results in 32% of breakdowns. What’s more, business owners often spend a lot of resources on service improvement without engaging users to check their willingness to use it. As a result, the end solution doesn’t meet customer expectations. CB Insights found that “no market need” is the main reason for startup failure.