MuleSoft Operational and API Management Capabilities

This article will discuss about what are the different operational and API management capabilities provided by the MuleSoft and those can be leverage depending on the client requirements and expectations and that includes Cloudhub (With VPC and Without VPC), Runtime Fabric Manager and Customer Hosted Mule Runtime.

We will be discussing all the operational and API management capabilities with various use cases.

Multi-tenancy authentication through Kong API Gateway

The API Gateway pattern implements a service that’s the entry point into a microservices-based application from external API clients or consumers. It is responsible for request routing, API composition, and other edge functions, such as authentication.

When working with a microservices architecture, either on a greenfield project or during migration from a monolith, a best practice is to start addressing cross-cutting concerns. Authentication is such a concern, and in this article, we’ll cover the authentication of a multi-tenancy application.