How to Easily Translate Your WordPress with TranslatePress

Do you want to translate your website into another language?

By default, WordPress does not offer an easy way to manage multilingual content. However, you can easily translate your WordPress website by using plugins.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily translate your WordPress website with TranslatePress.

How to translate your WordPress with TranslatePress

Why Use TranslatePress for Translating a WordPress Website?

The best part about WordPress is that it can be used in any language. Most WordPress themes and plugins can also be used and translated into any language as well.

If your business website has a multilingual audience, then it can be super beneficial to translate your content.

You can rely on machine translations like Google Translate, but these translations are not good and sometimes can be quite misleading.

On the other hand, if you’re using a multilingual WordPress plugin, then you need to create multiple posts which require switching back and forth between different languages.

With the TranslatePress plugin, you can translate your website and content using a live editor and won’t need to create multiple posts for the same content.

You can instantly switch languages from the live editor and can also translate themes and plugins using TranslatePress.

Having said that, let’s see how you can easily translate your WordPress website with TranslatePress.

Step 1: Install TranslatePress in WordPress

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the TranslatePress plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, head over to the Settings » TranslatePress page from the WordPress admin dashboard to configure your plugin settings.

From here, you need to switch to the ‘General’ tab.

Now, you first need to choose the default language of your website from the dropdown menu beside the ‘Default Language’ option.

This is the language your WordPress is already downloaded in.

Choose a default language in TranslatePress

After that, you need to choose the language that you want to translate your site into.

Simply head over to the ‘All Languages’ section, and choose a language you want to translate your website into from the dropdown menu below the ‘Language’ option.

After that, you need to click the ‘Add’ button.

Choose a translation language

Now scroll down to the ‘Native Language Name’ setting on the page.

Here, you need to select whether you want to display language names in their own language or in English. You can choose ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ accordingly.

The next option is to choose if you want to display the default language name in the URL as a subdirectory. For example,

We recommend leaving this setting as it is because it is better for search engine optimization.

After that, head over to the ‘Force language in custom links’ setting.

The default option for it is ‘Yes’ which will allow the plugin to change custom links for translated languages, making the URLs more SEO-friendly.

Configure other General settings

In the next option, you can choose if you want to use Google Translate for automatic translations.

The default choice is ‘No’, but you can change that if you would like to use Google Translate.

All you would need to do is provide a Google Translate API key in the next option. You will find a link under the option which will show you instructions on how to get one.

Provide Google Translate API if you want to activate it

Finally, you will come to the options on how you want to display the language switcher on your website. TranslatePress provides you with three choices.

You can use a shortcode, add a switcher to your navigation menu, or display a floating menu. We will show you how to add the language switcher to your website later in this article.

Now, simply go ahead and click on the ‘Save Changes’ button to store your settings.

Step 2: Translating Your Website Content

To translate your website, you can either click the ‘Translate Site’ tab on the plugin’s settings page or the ‘Translate Site’ button in your WordPress admin bar.

This will open the live translation editor in a new browser tab.

Click Translate Site button

Now, you need to simply click the blue translate icon present next to any text on your website that you want to translate.

After that, TranslatePress will automatically load the chosen text in the left column of the translation editor.

Translate website

Once the text is loaded in the column, simply add its transition in the box below and then click the ‘Save Translation’ button at the top to store your changes.

This way, you can translate all the content on any page of your site including navigation menus, buttons, sidebar, widgets, meta-text, and more.

With TranslatePress, you can also instantly start translating any page or post on your site when logged in.

All you would need to do is click on the ‘Translate Page’ button on the top to open up the live editor.

Directly translate page

Another benefit of this plugin is that you only need to translate a specific string once.

Once you have translated a string, the plugin will automatically translate it for you in other places.

Step 3: Adding Language Switcher to Your Website

After translating your site, you will need to add a language switcher to your website.

A language switcher allows users to select a language when they visit your website. It usually displays the flag of each country to indicate languages available on your site.

TranslatePress allows you to add a language switcher by using a shortcode, as a navigation menu item, or as a floating banner.

The language switcher can be displayed as flags, language names, or both.

Adding language switcher in WordPress using shortcode

If you want to add a language switcher in WordPress using shortcode, then head over to the Settings » TranslatePress page from the admin dashboard.

Once you’re on the ‘Settings’ page, scroll down on the ‘General’ tab and then copy the [language-switcher] shortcode in the ‘Language Switcher’ section.

Copy shortcode for the language switcher

You can now paste this shortcode on any page, post, or sidebar widget where you want to display the language switcher.

This is how the language switcher looked on our demo site.

Shortcode language switcher

Adding a language switcher to your WordPress navigation menu

If you want to add a language switcher as a navigation menu item, then go to the Appearance » Menus page from the dashboard.

Note: If you are using a block-based theme with a full site editor, then this method won’t work for you.

From here, you need to click on the ‘Language Switcher’ tab in the ‘Add Menu Items’ section on the left corner of the screen.

Once the tab expands, simply check the languages that you want to display in the language switcher.

After that, click the ‘Add Menu’ button to add the language switcher as a menu item.

Add language switcher in navigation menu

Finally, don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Menu’ button to store your changes.

You will now see a language switcher added to your WordPress navigation menu.

This is how it looked on our test site.

Language switcher added in nav menu

Adding a floating language switcher

If you want to add a floating language switcher, then you simply need to head over to the Settings » TranslatePress page from the admin dashboard.

First, you need to scroll down to the ‘Language Switcher’ section in the ‘General’ tab.

From here, make sure to check the box next to the ‘Floating language selection’ option.

You can also switch the position of the floating language switcher from the dropdown menu on the right corner of the screen.

Add a floating language switcher

After that, don’t forget to click on the save changes button to store your settings.

You can now visit your website to see the floating language switcher at the bottom of every page on your website.

Add floating switcher

We hope this article helped you learn how to translate your WordPress site with TranslatePress. You may also want to see our article on how to create a multilingual sitemap in WordPress and our list of the best WordPress plugins for business websites.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Easily Translate Your WordPress with TranslatePress first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Easily Create a Multilingual Sitemap in WordPress

Are you looking to improve the search engine rankings of your site’s multilingual pages?

Creating a multilingual sitemap helps Google, Bing, and other search engines easily find your content and index it. You can get more international search traffic simply by giving search engines an easy way to find multilingual content on your WordPress site.

In this article, we’ll show you how to create a multilingual sitemap for WordPress.

How to create a multilingual sitemap in WordPress

Why Create a Multilingual Sitemap in WordPress?

A sitemap is a file that contains all the important content on your WordPress website. It is in the XML format and is targeted toward search engines instead of people.

Creating an XML sitemap for your multilingual website helps search engines find and index your content faster. For instance, if you have different domains or subdomains translated into multiple languages, then you’ll need to create a sitemap for each website.

Note: If you’re looking for an easy way to set up a website in different languages, then follow our step-by-step guide on how to easily create a multilingual WordPress site.

A sitemap is extremely important for your WordPress SEO. Let’s say you just created a new multilingual website. Your new site won’t have many backlinks, and it can be hard for search engines to discover your new articles and pages.

The sitemap provides a way for search engines to learn about your new content in another language. This way, your multilingual pages will start to get indexed and appear in search results.

That being said, let’s take a look at how you can create a multilingual sitemap in WordPress.

Creating a Multilingual Sitemap in WordPress

By default, WordPress automatically creates an XML sitemap for new websites. You can add wp-sitemap.xml at the end of the domain, and WordPress will display the default XML sitemap.

View default sitemap

However, this feature is fairly limited and not very flexible. You can’t control which content to add or remove from the sitemap.

The best way to create an XML sitemap in WordPress is by using the All in One SEO (AIOSEO) plugin. It is the best WordPress SEO plugin and helps you optimize your site for search engines.

It also automatically creates a sitemap for a multilingual site and gives you more control over which pages and website sections you want to show in the sitemap.

The sitemap feature is available in the AIOSEO Lite version for free. However, if you’re looking for more features like video sitemaps, news sitemaps, redirections manager, and link assistant, then we recommend using the AIOSEO Pro version.

First, you’ll need to install and activate the AIOSEO plugin. If you need help, then please see our guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Click let's get started AIOSEO setup wizard

Upon activation, you’ll see the AIOSEO setup wizard. Simply click the ‘Let’s Get Started’ button and follow the onscreen instructions. For more details, you can visit our guide on how to set up All in One SEO plugin for WordPress.

After that, you’ll need to go to All in One SEO » Sitemaps from your WordPress dashboard and ensure that the ‘Enable Sitemap’ option is enabled.

AIOSEO sitemaps

AIOSEO will automatically create a sitemap for your multilingual website.

You can click the ‘Open Sitemap’ button to preview it or simply add ‘sitemap.xml’ to your website URL.

XML sitemap preview

Please note that if you’re using WPML to create multilingual sites, then AIOSEO will automatically serve sitemaps across different languages.

For instance, your sitemap URL will be something like /nl/sitemap.xml, /de/sitemap.xml, or /fr/sitemap.xml.

If you’re using TranslatePress to create your WordPress multilingual site, then you will need to install their SEO pack addon which is fully compatible with AIOSEO.

Configuring Additional Multilingual Sitemap Settings

To further customize your multilingual sitemaps, you can scroll down in AIOSEO Sitemaps settings to view more options.

By default, the plugin lets you include all post types and taxonomies in the sitemap. It also gives the option to include date archives and author sitemaps.

View more sitemap settings

However, you can uncheck the ‘Post Types’ and ‘Taxonomies’ options and view more options.

For example, let’s say you have translated content as a custom post type. You can simply check that option to include in the sitemap and exclude other post types.

Add translations to sitemap

Besides that, you can also add more pages from your multilingual website to the sitemap.

For example, let’s say you’ve translated a pillar article or an evergreen content into another language. You can add the page URL to the sitemap using AIOSEO and help search engines easily find your content.

Simply scroll down and click the ‘Additional Page’ toggle to enable the option. After that, you can add the page URL, and choose the priority and the frequency.

Add additional pages to sitemap

AIOSEO lets you exclude posts, pages, and specific terms from your WordPress sitemaps.

For instance, you can add different multilingual posts and pages that you don’t to include in the sitemap. These can be contact us page, or terms of service pages translated in another language.

First, you’ll need to enable the ‘Advanced Settings’ option. Then enter the URLs in the ‘Exclude Posts / Posts’ field and the terms in the ‘Exclude Terms’ field.

View additional settings in sitemap

Submitting Your Multilingual Sitemap to Search Engines

Now that you’ve created a multilingual sitemap, the next step is to submit it to different search engines. This way, Google, Bing, and other search engines can easily find new content.

Submit Multilingual Sitemap to Google

Google Search Console is a free tool by Google that you can use to monitor your site’s performance on search results. It helps you see which keywords people use to find your website and resolve any errors that might prevent you from appearing on Google.

Submitting your multilingual sitemap to the Search Console helps Google quickly discover new content.

You can simply log in to your account and head to the ‘Sitemaps’ option from the menu on your left. Next, enter your multilingual sitemap URL under the ‘Add a new sitemap’ option and click the ‘Submit’ button.

Submit your site to search console

For more details, please see our guide on how to submit your website to search engines.

Submit Multilingual Sitemap to Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo

Similarly, you can submit the sitemap to Bing using the Webmaster Tools. The best part is that, when you submit your site to Bing, it’s also automatically submitted to the Yahoo and DuckDuckGo search engines.

Submit sitemap in Bing

You can see our step-by-step tutorial on how to add your website to Bing Webmaster Tools for more details.

We hope that this article helped you learn how to create a multilingual sitemap in WordPress. You may also want to see our expert SEO tips to optimize your blog posts, and our expert pick of the best keyword research tools to improve your SEO rankings.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Easily Create a Multilingual Sitemap in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

State of the Word 2020: WordPress Moves Toward Full Site Editing

WordPress enthusiasts around the world tuned into Matt Mullenweg’s annual State of the Word address this week, delivered virtually for the first time. Mullenweg recognized the community’s efforts in working together during a global pandemic, without the benefit of periodic in-person events that have traditionally re-energized collaboration on the project.

During a most unusual year that has warped the passage of time and slowed it to the speed of molasses, WordPress’ release schedule kept a steady, reassuring pace in contrast. The first part of the State of the Word highlighted the three major releases shipped in 2020, which introduced improvements to the block editor, a new default theme, application passwords for the REST API, and new, game-changing features like block patterns, to name just a few.

WordPress continues to grow its dominant market share and is currently sitting at 39.3% of the Alexa top 10 million sites. Mullenweg attributed that growth to three major contributing factors: the lockdown, e-commerce, and economic uncertainty. The lockdowns put in place to mitigate the virus’ spread had the effect of giving people the space and time to connect online. It also drove an uptick in entrepreneurship and e-commerce. Mullenweg reported that WooCommerce facilitated more than $20 billion in sales.

Site Editor Beta Demo Shows Progress on Full Site Editing Project

Gutenberg design contributor Joen Asmussen joined by video to unveil a sneak peek of the progress on the Full Site Editing (FSE) project with a demo of the Site Editor beta. The Site Editor allows users to edit a theme’s template outside of the post’s content. It introduces new blocks for things like the query loop, navigation, site title, tagline, and other aspects of editing templates.

The block list view shows all the different areas of the page, such as the header, footer, columns, and site title, so the user can jump to the section for quick access. Block patterns can also be used within template designs to speed up page layout or match a demo design. Given the current complexity of creating a template design from a blank canvas, block patterns have the potential to become even more indispensable when WordPress users finally get the reins for editing theme templates.

“This is the culmination of several ongoing projects to expand upon and improve the customization possibilities in WordPress,” Asmussen said. The demo offers a quick overview of how the FSE project is coming together. The reality of “everything becoming a block” is finally materializing. Gutenberg will soon be capable of providing a consistent editing experience across all aspects of site customization.

“By creating this common framework that every theme and plugin can build on, we’re reducing the balkanization within WordPress from people who are solving these problems lots of different ways, and providing what I believe is the basis for the next decade of WordPress’ growth,” Mullenweg said.

WordPress’ Global Community Reiterates the Demand for Multilingual Capabilities

The number of questions during the Q&A related to multilingual capabilities underscores the fact that WordPress is undeniably a global community. More than 50% of WordPress sites are not using English. Better multilingual support could be key to the next era of WordPress’ growth. Nevertheless, multilingual features are at the tail end of the four-phase roadmap for the project’s immediate future.

Mullenweg said WordPress is about “two years into a 10-year project,” with good chunks of phase 1 and phase 2 done. Phase 1 includes editing inside the post/page content, creating the fundamental building blocks and also bringing them to the mobile apps. Phase 2 is centered around editing outside the content, using blocks to create the site’s templates.

Phase 3 will introduce new collaboration features and workflow for real-time co-editing. Phase 4, which Mullenweg said is “just in the imagination stage right now,” covers multilingual features. He said he expects this phase to likely “be taken underway pretty vigorously in 2022.”

Matías Ventura answered a question about a phase 4 roadmap, confirming that there is no specific plan for its multilingual implementation right now. He said there have been some initial conversations regarding the implications of localization, specifically around patterns and block themes, and how those can be built. Nothing substantial has emerged yet but the team will be creating a more detailed overview of what is needed. Fallback languages is one feature that several community members brought up in the Q&A time.

When asked whether some existing multilingual solutions could be reused for core, Mullenweg was hesitant to prescribe a specific approach at this time. He said he is anxious to get better multilingual support in Gutenberg and offered what I believe is the most candid explanation thus far for why multilingual capabilities fall further down the the list of priorities:

Whether we do it as part of core or as part of an official plugin is to be decided. Part of the reason we made it phase 4 is that we can only do so many things well at a time. It is supremely important that we execute super well on these first phases of Gutenberg blocks. If we don’t get phase 1 and phase 2 to be the best experiences in the world for editing bar none, of any open source or proprietary competitors or builders, phase 3 and 4 just won’t matter because WordPress won’t be relevant a decade from now. I do believe that is the most important problem we’re facing. I don’t want to dilute the core contributors’ focus away from the initial phases of Gutenberg because that’s how important I think they are.

Mullenweg said there is nothing stopping the community from investing more in multilingual plugins and exploring different approaches to see what will get core most of the way there. The next official step would be figuring out a framework that will work well with plugins and themes.

Depending on your interest and involvement in the community, there is a lot more to explore in the Q&A. Check out the whole presentation in the video below.

How Will Gutenberg Phase 4 Impact Multilingual Solutions for WordPress?

During the 2018 State of the Word address, Matt Mullenweg announced that Phase 4 of the Gutenberg project would be aimed at developing an official way for WordPress to support multilingual sites. There are no technical details available yet for what approach core will take, because it’s still in the experimental stage. The site building objectives in Phase 2 are currently the primary focus of the Gutenberg team.

Although Phase 4 is still a long way off (targeted for 2020 and beyond), WordPress multilingual product owners are starting to speculate about the impact of core offering its own standardized solution for multilingual sites. At WordCamp Nordic I had a quick chat with Robert Windisch, CIO of Inpsyde, a large WordPress agency in Germany and the creators of the MultilingualPress plugin.

Windisch predicts a culling of the multilingual solutions for WordPress after Phase 4, in the same way that Gutenberg has challenged page builders. Maintaining a plugin with thousands of users takes a toll on a company, because users require support and product owners need to have a way to continue offering something that isn’t already available by default in core.

“It’s the same with Gutenberg and all the page builders,” Windisch said. “You need to adapt. If core tackles 80-90% of the features the plugin does, then I’m sure some will decide to pursue other roads or extend core features with a new plugin.”

Windisch doesn’t see any issues for his company’s multilingual solution because of how it is architected to closely align with WordPress core in its use of multisite. The MultilingualPress website advertises the product as having “future-proof, WordPress core-based architecture.” Windisch said that big agencies and companies with local sites tend to opt for MultilingualPress’ solution because of the separation of access that multisite provides.

After some consideration, he said he found that Mullenweg’s timeline for getting multilingual support in core made sense, because existing solutions mean there is no pressing need to provide this functionality.

“Currently nobody waits for the multilingual in core, because there are already solutions out there,” Windisch said. “There’s not really the pressure to have it right now.”

Check out the quick interview below to hear more thoughts on how Gutenberg Phase 4 may impact other multilingual solutions: