Quick and Simple Logging Framework Using JSON Logger


In Mulesoft implementation we always come across a need of implementing a robust logging framework that helps development and operation teams monitor and debug transactions in a faster and better way. 

In Mule 4, the JSON Logger makes the effort of such logging framework creation faster and easier. Thanks to Andres Ramirez for releasing such a cool stuff for logging, which is much powerful than out of the box Mule logging component. In this blog we will explore some of these features. The intent of this blog is to demonstrate how the JSON logger can make the implementation of a standard logging framework super simple.

Health Monitoring of Mule Applications

Health check of an APIs allows near-real-time information about the state of your containers and APIs/microservices. It is critical to multiple aspects of operating APIs and is especially important when orchestrators perform partial application upgrades in phases. It also helps to determine if a running API instance is unable to handle requests.

The health check API operation performs a variety of internal metrics including:

How to Implement Splunk Enterprise On-Premise for a MuleSoft App

What Is Splunk?

Splunk is a tool used for logging, analyzing, reporting, visualizing, monitoring, or searching the machine data in real time.

Machine data is information that is generated by a computer process, application, device, or any other mechanism without any active intervention from humans. Machine data is everywhere, and it can be generated automatically from various sources like computer processes, elevators, cars, smartphones, etc., and generally, such data is generated in forms of events in an unstructured form.