Integrate Amazon S3 with Mule

Amazon Web Service’s S3 stands for “Simple Storage Service.” It is a type of cloud storage provided to the developers as a scalable solution over the Internet. 

Amazon S3 uses the concept of Buckets and Objects to store the data. It allows an easy, user-friendly, fast and on-demand approach for storing & retrieving the data online.

Mule 3 DataWeave(1.x) Script To Resolve Wildcard Dynamically

Mulesoft DataWeave is a simple powerful tool to transform data inside a flow. Numerous core operators and functions are already present to perform various operations such as capitalize, camelize, upper, and lower.

For string operations, there are no core functions present to resolve a wildcard. I hope the DataWeave(DWL 1.0) function below helps you to perform a requirement where you want to resolve a wildcard using a set of parameters.

Creating a Mule ESB Sample Hello World Application

Mule ESB is an integration technology that can connect different applications. Mule is an open-source integration framework consisting of different Connectors that can easily integrate our applications.

Mule is a lightweight integration framework. Mule ESB includes powerful capabilities including REST, SOAP, JMS, Salesforce, Cloudhub, RAML, Http, Datasource, Dataweave, Java, and MongoDB.

How to Use APIkit Router in Mule 4

The APIkit Router element allows you to define an API. It helps developers generate whole code from the API specification (RAML file) itself. But apart from generating flows from the API specification, it also helps in routing the incoming requests to specific flows of the API.

Steps to Use APIkit Router

1. Create an API specification (RAML). You can create an API specification from the Design Center or you can create it manually in any of the text editors. (The creating or editing API specification feature is also available in Anypoint Studio 7.x.) You can use the below RAML API specification for this demo.

[Part 1] Mule 4: Using SSL/TLS

This is the first part of a two-part series in which we will configure the Mule Application to use One Way SSL and Two Way SSL.

The first part covers the overview of SSL/TLS Concepts and in the second part, we will configure the Mule Application for One Way SSL and Two Way SSL.

Integrating Slack With Mule 4

Integrating Slack With Mule 4

Slack is a cloud-based application that provides real-time messaging, archiving, search, persistent chat rooms, and more. Mulesoft has a connector for Slack. The Slack connector provides 2-way integration between the Slack messaging system and others in Mule ESB.

This article talks about how to do streaming from Slack using their API in Mule ESB.

Caching in Mule 4: How It Works

Caching in Mule 4


Caching is the term for storing reusable responses in order to make subsequent requests faster. There are many different types of caching available, each of which has its own characteristics. Application caches and memory caches are both popular for their ability to speed up certain responses.

By storing relatively static data in the cache and serving it from the cache when requested, the application saves the time that would be required to generate the data from scratch every time. Caching can occur at different levels and places it in an application.