10 Rules To Integrate Third-Party Scripts


Third-party scripts can cause negative load-time effects. Why is this an issue? Well, in Google’s view, a poorly-optimized page should not rank highly. Instead, search results should favor pages with fundamental design strengths — including JavaScript minification, rapid execution time, and render-friendly scripting. 

In reflection of this belief, Google has planned the gradual release of a major update to its search algorithm that is scheduled for June through August of 2021. This update will increase the importance of a page’s loading speed as a contributing factor to a web page’s overall ranking on Google’s search results page. As a result, how third-party scripts impact page load times is becoming more important than ever. 

Components of Effective Software Monitoring: App Logs, Infrastructure Telemetry, Health-Check Reports

At Logicify, we are proud to be software monitoring geeks. We love to monitor both the apps we develop and the ones we use internally. Not because they are sloppy. Not because we don’t trust our code. But because we love to keep abreast of events, control performance and eliminate the risks of an error. Monitoring helps us be proactive and avert issues before real users are affected.

In our double-sided system of user behavior and app condition monitoring, we use Graylog as a single data storage for logs and other data about the web app, and Grafana, a powerful data visualization tool. Combined and wisely configured, these two tools give an objective picture of the app’s performance at all times. For comprehensive snapshots of system behavior and, what is more important for apps in production, for proactive moves to iron troubles out, we collect monitoring data from a multiple layers. App-specific metrics are complemented by other analytics to give a broader picture of system state and performance.