Our Experience Migrating From Dagger to Koin

Note: This was assembled with Koin version 2.0.1. More recent versions have changed some things. Refer to the official documentation for more information.


Our team has a legacy project, started by a team from another company, with other standards, practices, experiences, and so on. This project was initially set up with Dagger as a dependency injection mechanism and is not modularised. As the project grew, so did the compilation times. When it got to the point where compiling the project could take more than ten minutes, we decided to see what we could do about it.

Tips for Cutting Down Web Development Time

When planning the creation of a website or web app, underestimating the time needed to deliver can sink a project. The longer the project is in development the more money, time, and other resources are required to see it to delivery. Also, the longer it is developed, the more that excitement for the project wanes and it might just be cast to the rubbish heap of other discarded projects.

Fortunately, over the years with advancements in tech stacks and the development of best practices, development times can be significantly reduced. This article looks at 10 easy-to-adopt practices that will reduce development time.