Learn How to Create a Messaging App in 2021

Look around and tell me what you see; you may find people with smartphones in their hands. What are they doing? Most likely, they are texting. Indeed, messaging has become the modern way of communicating.

If you have a concept for a new chat app for the mass-market or want to get messaging software for your organization, here are some facts and insights on how to create a messaging app.

Unique Features of Mobile Testing

Many mobile development and testing teams agree that it’s inaccurate to think of mobile applications as the same software running on a smaller device. Indeed, mobile application testing services differ greatly from any other project type. Here’s how we see the unique traits of mobile software testing.

User Expectations

Mobile software is called mobile for a reason: these applications are expected to work on the go, anywhere, and at any time. Furthermore, accessibility is a key distinctive feature of mobile software. The different physical interactions that users have with their mobile devices change a lot for developers, UI/UX designers, and testers. At the same time, the global trend of digital experience personalization also added its twist to user expectations from the software they choose to install. When personalization meets accessibility requirements, demands for project testing teams can get out of hand.

OWASP Mobile Top 10 Vulnerabilities and Mitigation Strategies

According to Statista, there are 3.5 billion smartphone users. That means a lot of people could become victims of insecure mobile apps.

The OWASP Mobile Top 10 list is a great resource for app developers who want to create secure apps. That's because many mobile apps are inherently vulnerable to security risks. Let's think about some of the attacks on mobile apps that have occurred in the past few years. There was the WhatsApp Pegasus spyware that enabled attackers to control victims' devices. Another was the attack on the Pokémon Go app, where users could reverse-engineer the app to catch more Pokémon.

Example of NearBy Place Search – SITE KIT

Nearby Place Search


This Nearby Place Search API can return a list of places around the current location of a user. When the user selects a place, your app obtains the place ID and searches for details about the place.

Before going to this article, first, we need to learn how to add custom markers to Map. Check the below link

How To Use HMS Push Kit On Xamarin.Android

In this article, we are going to take a look at Huawei Mobile Services (HMS) Push Kit Plugin for Xamarin.Android then we will send our first notification and data message by Huawei Console. After that, we will also send them by Push Kit APIs.


Push Kit is a messaging service provided by Huawei for developers. It offers to send real-time notifications and information messages. This helps developers maintain closer ties with users and increases user awareness and engagement. Furthermore, you are free to use for any different meaningful purposes.

Protecting Hybrid Mobile Apps With Ionic and Jscrambler

Ionic is an open source framework designed to build native-like mobile web applications which target the major mobile operating systems. Targeting different systems with the same codebase speeds up the development process while reducing the time to market and maintainability efforts.

Ionic is built upon Apache's Cordova and is framework-agnostic, meaning that it can be used with any front-end framework such as Angular, Vue, Preact, React or jQuery. 

Messaging Text Through HMS Nearby Connection

Introduction to Nearby Connection

Nearby Connection is one of the API of HUAWEI Nearby Service that allows applications to easily discover and connect to nearby devices, and exchange data with nearby devices without having Internet.

Example: We can chat with a friend and can share files such as photos and videos without connecting to the Internet.

HMS Game Service — Sign-in Function [Java]


In this article, I would like to address the Game Service topic by doing a practical example in which we will implement the kit. The goal is to achieve a simple application where our user can log in with his Huawei ID and obtain information regarding his player on Game Service. In the Huawei repositories, we can find projects with all the implementation but in my opinion, it is better to create a new project where we have the opportunity to do our development.


1. Create an App in AGC

Time Awareness: A Journey Through HMS Awareness (Part 4)


Time awareness is used to obtain holiday information in most regions and sunrise and sunset time of all cities around the world.

Barrier API

This API is used to set a timer or a barrier based on the target time. For example, one hour before and after the sunrise can be set as a sunrise barrier.

Using ML Predictions in Mobile Apps With Couchbase Lite’s Predictive Query API

Couchbase Lite is a full-fledged NoSQL JSON document database for mobile and desktop applications. Couchbase Lite’s Predictive Query API allows applications to leverage pre-trained, Machine Learning(ML) models to run predictive queries against data stored in application's local Couchbase Lite database in a convenient, fast and always-available way. These predictions can be combined with predictions made against real-time data captured by your app to enable a range of compelling applications. 

In this post, I provide an overview of the feature including context around why we built it and the kinds of applications that it can enable. I also demonstrate the use of the Predictive API with an example. 

Set Up Your Continuous Testing Process for Android

Test automation is an indispensable part of any software development process, including mobile app development. Trying to run all your tests manually simply takes up far too much time, time that could be better spent on improving your code, or, well, a bunch of other things that are far more useful than running unit tests one by one. Of course, 100% automation is impossible: you simply cannot eliminate all the tedium from testing. Sorry.

The Need for CI in Testing

Automating as much as humanly possible makes developers' lives a lot easier. As such, continuous integration services must provide the tools that allow users to run automated tests with a minimum of fuss and then analyze the test results afterwards. Let’s look into one of those services that can do all that: Bitrise.

Working With Viewpager

Hello, Android folks. Today, I will share some of my tips on how to create an image slider in an Android app.

External Library

We will use the GitHub library developed by Jake Wharton, to complete our goal.

Mobile Citizen Engagement App in Ionic 2: Part III

The first parts of this series were focused on building a functional mobile application using Ionic 2 framework from a starter template project. Ionic leverages SASS to make theming a mobile application across device platforms easy. In this part, we will dress up the plain template to make the final application. 

SASS is a shortened acronym for Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets. SASS is an extension to CSS so it is fully compatible with CSS. What it does is it makes managing multiple CSS files simpler as it allows imports, variables, nesting, and many other capabilities. SASS has a preprocessing that converts a .scss file to the required .css output. The great thing with Ionic's build script already includes the SAAS preprocessing.