Mobile Test Automation: Calabash on Xamarin Test-Cloud

If you are testing your application against an emulator/simulator, you will still have risks that the expected features may possibly not work on several real devices. To handle the real device testing, you should have many devices to run your tests. In the current market, we have lots of possibilities for device and operating system version combinations. The best approach to finding the most used devices is to use some statistical data. In most cases, Pareto analysis can help in selecting high-coverage devices. However, if you want to find more bugs before release, you can focus on the newest device with the latest OS version and the oldest devices with the oldest OS version. In any case, you should have at least 5-10 Android devices and 3-5 iOS devices for a good level of coverage in the beginning. Therefore, managing the devices is another problem if you want to have your own local test suites. As a good alternative, you can use the cloud services. In this post, I want to share some information about running the Calabash test on Xamarin Test-Cloud.

xamarinXamarin Test-Cloud supports X-platform frameworks, so you can use the same feature files for both iOS and Android projects. However, you should submit the code by providing the profile and the config files in your command. If you have your own Calabash project, then you are ready to submit your code to test-cloud.

Testing Android Mobile Apps: Best QA Approaches and Tools

What Is Mobile Testing?

Mobile testing is a process of checking mobile applications - software programs running on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices - for functionality, performance, security, usability, etc. It can be carried out with manual or automated tests. Whatever method is applied, the main mission is to ensure that a mobile app meets either business requirements or end-users' needs and expectations.

Traditionally, the following types of mobile applications are differentiated:

Mobile Commerce Testing: How Global Leaders Optimize User Experience

Mobile accounts for over 67% of all e-commerce sales worldwide and it’s expected to keep growing as more people are getting used to shopping on their phones. Nearly four out of five smartphone users have made at least one purchase in the last six months.

Since mobile performance directly affects user experience, retention rates, conversions, and ultimately revenue, improving it has become a top priority for mobile commerce companies globally.

Mobile Testing Basics: Manual Vs Automated Testing


Mobile devices hold a very special place today in everyone’s life. Our life is dependent on them for buying groceries, ordering food, learning, paying bills, banking requirements, yes almost everything. Mobile applications are ruling the world currently with easy accessibility, good UI, excellent responsiveness, solving our day to day requirements with the tap of fingers. 

Efficient testing, which ensures quality, and a great user experience are vital for the success of a mobile application. In this article, we will see the basics of mobile testing related to manual and automation testing.

Appium vs Robotium

Write once and run on multiple platforms (operating Sy) because as we all know, the software industry is running behind in mobile applications. If you have looked at the app store and Google Play store daily, there are thousands of apps being uploaded. But, we all know that each application's success totally depends on the user experience, or how easy it to use the app. But, this kind of success must be verified by Quality Assurance (QA) Engineers. In the last few decades, we can see the most popular development methodology is “Agile Methodology”. So, we do enough testing, but not enough to assure the quality in each release because of manual testing. In this case, we need automation testing tools such as opium, robotic, but even more so, we need to choose the complexity of the application.

Some advantages of automation include:

Set Up Your Continuous Testing Process for Android

Test automation is an indispensable part of any software development process, including mobile app development. Trying to run all your tests manually simply takes up far too much time, time that could be better spent on improving your code, or, well, a bunch of other things that are far more useful than running unit tests one by one. Of course, 100% automation is impossible: you simply cannot eliminate all the tedium from testing. Sorry.

The Need for CI in Testing

Automating as much as humanly possible makes developers' lives a lot easier. As such, continuous integration services must provide the tools that allow users to run automated tests with a minimum of fuss and then analyze the test results afterwards. Let’s look into one of those services that can do all that: Bitrise.

Software Testing in 2020: 7 Biggest Trends

The huge demand for high-quality products created in the shortest time possible made testing a critical success factor of the software development process. Because of the continually evolving technology and competitive market QA specialists are in constant search of new relevant testing techniques, so they can stay relevant and meet the rising customer demands. As a result, new approaches are steadily emerging. Here are some of the most important software testing trends to watch for in 2020.

Testing for Agile and DevOps

Agile and DevOps should be definitely mentioned among some of the most popular concepts in software development. Since both DevOps and Agile practitioners work on improving the quality of the products, testing becomes a common area of interest for two groups. In the competitive software development world more and more companies choose popular Agile methodologies which, in turn, has an impact on testing practices. In particular, Agile methodology ensures that testing becomes an inevitable part of the development process rather than a separate stage. At the same time, DevOps, which implements a continuous improvement cycle is aimed at reducing the duration of the testing processes. In the future, more and more companies will adopt DevOps philosophy to improve the quality of released products which will have a huge impact on how the testing is done.

How Often Should You Update Your Mobile App?

Do you know?

For Android, iOS, and other apps, release frequencies vary. Managed app testing leader Testlio recently queried more than 75K client release records, covering a diverse range of industries (including Commerce, Education, Entertainment, Finance, Productivity, Sports, and Travel). Collectively, these Testlio clients have a user base of more than 1.5 billion people.

Modern Functional Test Automation Through Visual AI

Which looks better, #1 or #2?
"I am confident that once you give this functional test automation approach a try, you will rethink your entire current code-based approach." — Raja Rao, Head of Test Automation University

In this webinar, you'll see the modern, intelligent way of doing web and mobile testing. Specifically, functional, end-to-end UI testing.

The analogy is a gasoline car versus an electric car: both are cars, both need tires, seats, breaks, etc... but the core engine that moves the car is different - which makes a huge difference.

Introduction to Running Android Automated Testing On AWS Device Farm

When it comes to mobile testing, two questions come in mind: "What are devices it supports and how do we test on all these devices?" It’s quite challenging to manually test on all devices and it’s not cost-effective either. Automating test cases saves of lots of time. Another challenge is running automation on actual devices.

There are multiple solutions that run automation on cloud, such as AWS Device Farm, Firebase Lab, Xamarin Test Cloud, Kobiton, Perfecto, Sauce Labs, and Experitest.

Why Mobile Compatibility Testing Is Crucial for Your Applications

Compatibility is the capacity to exist together. As a real-life example, water is not compatible with oil, but milk is. The same thing happens with software or apps that we build.

Compatibility Testing

Compatibility testing is a crucial QA task which guarantees that the software or product that is being tested is compatible, as desired over a broad set of client frameworks and configurations.

Record and Play Load Testing in 5 Steps

While Apache JMeter allows you to create a load test from scratch, it also gives you the opportunity to record and playback load test scenarios for your web or mobile applications. Recording performance test scenarios are very useful when it comes to web or mobile testing. Websites and mobile applications make many requests varying from the initial server to third-party applications, like analytics sites, etc. Therefore implementing those requests from scratch may not be the best idea. In those cases, we recommend you to use the recording module of JMeter.

JMeter has a special module for that purpose. It’s called HTTP Test Script Recorder. This module works as a proxy on the host and port that you provide and listen to the HTTP requests. Then, it creates HTTP Sampler for recorded requests.