Real Devices vs Emulators: Where Do You Test App Performance?

When testing the performance of a native Android or iOS app, choosing the right set of devices is critical for maximizing your chances of success. Differences in OS, screen size, screen density, and hardware can all affect how an app behaves and impact the user experience. In order to ship new updates of your app with confidence, you should efficiently analyze app performance during development to identify issues before they reach the end-users. This post will discuss what the best approach is to using emulators versus real devices for mobile performance analysis. 

Mobile Performance on Emulators/Simulators

Emulators are often free and easy to install. They can be useful for testing development processes, but they don’t always do a thorough job of testing app performance. Here are five key reasons why using emulators isn’t the best approach for testing native app performance:

Web Development Trends and Techniques for 2020

Web development trends are always changing. After they show up, some evolve for the better and last for years. Others disappear quite quickly, not leaving much of a mark. Many of the trends that started in 2019 are making their way to 2020. This article digs the web development trends a little deeper and predicts which trends will expand in 2020.

The following are some trends to keep an eye out for: