Low-Code Enterprise Application Development: The Future of Technology

FACT CHECK: Low-code Enterprise Application Development is the Future of Technology

What is enterprise application development if not making business-centric apps which help companies make money?! While that is a rough description of apps per se, it holds a deeper meaning in terms of usability, customer care and service, and, most of all, in terms of branding. 

Google Introduces Flutter 2.0

Flutter is a renowned and prominent platform that has grabbed massive recognition from big developing companies worldwide like eBay motors, Alibaba (eCommerce), Hamilton Musical (Entertainment) have by the time-released their apps. They’ve achieved this due to its impressive simplicity and ease to use U.I. compared to the other web developing applications and speed with other alternative applications.

Nowadays, creating any type of application in this era is not extremely difficult. Although it is necessary to know the required programming and development knowledge, many development mediums allow us to develop applications.

How to Build a Cryptocurrency Exchange Application and How Much It Would Cost

You probably heard of the most recent trend in the world of cryptocurrency. After all, just about everyone is “mining” these days. However, there aren’t enough GPUs to meet demand. 

Cryptocurrency is attainable even for those who aren’t tech-savvy. At some point, people discover Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Litecoin, all of which can be used just like the Euro and Dollar. Transactions are made with a cryptocurrency wallet. This form of cryptocurrency is alluring: the cost of transactions is minimal in comparison to national currencies.

Top 12 Trends Shaping Mobile Application Development in 2020

With a whopping 3.5 billion smartphone users across the world, mobile apps undoubtedly enjoy a huge user base. Regardless of the industry your business belongs to, mobile application penetration has redefined business goals and strategies across verticals. Constant innovation and adaptability have remained unchanged factors.

Kodak, Compaq, Blockbuster Video — what do these have in common? Despite being widely popular in the past, they failed to keep up with technology and, therefore, ended up closing or selling out. All this at a time when technology was not changing as fast as it is today. Technology truly is in a constant state of flux. When businesses fail to keep up, they usually tend to go the Blockbuster way. 

A Look at React Native and React.js

Backed by Facebook, Instagram, and a reputed community of developers, React is one of the most used JavaScript libraries at present. According to Libscore, at present React is being utilized on a number of reputed sites, such as Netflix, Airbnb, Walmart, HelloSign, and Imgur, to name a few.

React.js development is not in any way similar to React native mobile app development and both of them serve a different purpose. The blog will explain all of the main differences between these two PLs and will provide you with an approach to choose the one for your particular project.

React Native Developers: Create Your First App

Developing a mobile app entails several challenges. To make things harder, many of these challenges reside in mutually exclusive silos. A good example of this is when you are looking to develop an app in a short period but with great performance. Another case is when you want to publish an app quickly but also want to do so for as many platforms and devices as possible. In such a scenario, there was no choice but to compromise on some aspects when creating your mobile app — until hybrid apps and React Native came along.

A hybrid app framework allows you to overcome the many shortfalls of native app development. An app created using a hybrid framework looks and feels like a native mobile app but unlike the latter, it’s powered by a website. React Native is the most advanced manifestation of this technology. It brings together the best of native applications and React on the web. This means you get the feel, fidelity, and speed of native apps while retaining the best aspects of React on the web, viz. self-contained UI components and fast development cycles.

Basic React Navigation for React Native Apps


Creating an intuitive navigation UI is essential for any mobile app. Because we build custom software at SmartLogic, most of our mobile apps require different navigation setups, but they often have a lot in common. We use React Navigation which makes it easy for users to move across different screens. Built-in options allow us to quickly add UI features while also being fully customizable. In this post, I'll walk through a basic React Navigation pattern we've used and the steps to get it up and running.

Below is an example of the architecture of common patterns we use. We have the main navigation for our app, different navigation stacks (more on this later), screens and a tab navigation setup as well.

Why You Should Use AWS to Build Cloud-Native Applications

When we talk about cloud-native mobile application development, we're thinking specific kind of applications that are able to make native use of infrastructure provided by Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and other such cloud computing providers. One can even call it an approach to build as well as run applications which use the characteristics and nature of the cloud while resulting in a workflow and such processes that take complete advantage of the platform.

It is by utilizing cloud computing services that these cloud-native applications are able to so dynamically function. Also, the scalability of these apps is commendable, looking at how they are just loosely connected with the various cloud infrastructure components — that means, these apps can easily be scaled up or down, as and when required. Only the modern and just the best amongst all tools and technologies available are used to develop cloud-native apps. These include Agile methodology, GCP, AWS, and other cloud platforms, containers such as Kubernetes and Docker, and so on.

Display Weather Information in a NativeScript With Angular Android and iOS Mobile App

I am a huge fan of NativeScript and have been for a long time. While HERE doesn't currently offer an official NativeScript SDK for building Android and iOS applications, it shouldn't stop you from using HERE with NativeScript because most APIs can be accessed over HTTP.

A few months ago, I had written a tutorial around using the HERE Weather API with Angular which many of you found very useful. To make this tutorial mobile friendly, I thought NativeScript would be a great candidate.

Positions to Addresses With Gesture Events and HERE in Android

I've been writing a few tutorials on using the HERE Location Services (HLS) platform with Android. These tutorials have included showing a map, dropping markers, and geocoding address information to latitude and longitude position information. This time around we're going to take things to the next level by converting latitude and longitude position information to address information within an Android application.

To be specific in what we plan to accomplish, take a look at the following animated image.

How to Build an iMessage Extension for a React Native App (Part 2)

In this post, I will show you how we built an iMessage extension by writing a bridge for our React Native-based mobile app. This approach took our team around two weeks to explore and might save you significant time if you have a similar intention. This is part two out of two (you can find Part 1 here). 

Project Recap

When we set out to build an iMessage extension for Lisk Mobile using React Native, we immediately hit an exciting challenge. As it turns out, when it comes to third-party applications, Apple likes developers to play by its own rules. If a company wants to benefit from the features of the tech giant's operational systems and rich user base, it needs to be built using Apple's own tools and programming language. iPhone's iMessage is definitely worth this hassle. It has proven to be a big hit since its release in 2016. Within the first six months, iMessage generated thousands of innovative in-messenger extensions including those created by Airbnb and Dropbox. Late in 2018, Mark Zuckerberg admitted this feature is one of Facebook's 'biggest competitors by far.' Since the release of Lisk Mobile during Lisk's Berlin meetup in October 2018, our team has been busy implementing features such as Face ID Authentication, as well as developing blockchain-specific solutions. Identifying the opportunity to extend the iMessage option for our users, we got to work on our own integration.

The Mobile App That Detects Drug Overdoses

The last few years have seen a number of mobile apps emerge that monitor your breath for signs of various diseases. It's part of a fascinating trend, the latest addition to which is a new app developed by researchers at the University of Washington, which aims to monitor your breathing for signs of a drug overdose.

The work, which was documented in a recently published paper, has resulted in an app called Second Chance, which the team claims is able to accurately spot overdose-related symptoms 90 percent of the time.

Mobile-Orientated Architecture (MOA)

Update From the (Near) Future

This post was written looking back from the future of the 2020s, making some assumptions about what kinds of changes we’d see in tech and the progress of the Kotlin ecosystem. Well, it’s been almost a year, and so far our timing looks pretty good. Kotlin Multiplatform is entering production. Mutiplatform libraries are being released. We, Touchlab, have completely shifted gears from Doppl, referenced below, and are fully committed to a Kotlin Multiplatform future.

Last year, MOA and Kotlin were a little speculative. A year later, it is happening. The time to take a deeper look is now.

Lessons Learned Building Large-Scale React Native Apps

We've built a number of great mobile applications on React Native. We recently wrapped up one of the largest we've done here at SmartLogic — largest in terms of user base, navigation depth, redux state, and sagas. With every app, our list of best practices and little tricks that work well for us grows, but with the larger apps, there are some additional best practices we've recently settled on.

We took some time to reflect back on some of the best lessons we've learned after completing over a half dozen React Native apps. Here are our top four takeaways and lessons learned from our experiences building large React Native applications.

Top Features in iOS 12 Every iOS Developer Needs to Know

The latest iOS version has a rich set of features in terms of performance and user experience and comes with huge enhancements in performance, security and privacy. Whilst considering these features for users, we also need to consider what this release means to every iOS developer and QA engineer. In this post, we will explore some major development and testing considerations for Apple's operating system.

1. Xcode 10

Apple announced Xcode 10 with a full list of the new features for iOS developers. The most noticeable feature of Xcode 10 is a dark mode with macOS Mojave. With Xcode 10, developers can write code in dark mode. Xcode 10 obviously shipped with all the iOS 12 simulators and can build an app on the newly launched device. Other important features launched with Xcode 10 are multi-line editing, code snippets for other languages like Ruby, Python, etc. Last year, Apple announced integrated support for GitHub within Xcode. With Xcode 10, we will have support for GitLab and Bitbucket as well. You can check all the new features in the Xcode 10 release notes. Xcode 10 shipped with Swift 4.2 but we can use Swift toolchains to switch between the Swift versions.

App Monetization With Data: A Guide for Developers

In a modern data-driven world, data about users means a lot. Today, companies seek out quality data from users to make major business decisions, to analyze the audience that they are targeting or just to enhance their products.

The International Institute for Analytics forecasts that Internet users will generate over 180 trillion gigabytes of data by 2025. This tremendous amount of data will turn into one of the main revenue sources for publishers. As users spend over 80% of their mobile minutes on apps, app developers are the ones who can benefit the most from this massive data interest.