Leveraging Gamification in your Mobile App for Superior User Experience: Top Tips

In general, video games are considered to be dopamine-releasing products. When you're happy or excited, the chemical is released into your system. To make a non-gaming app more enticing to users, you must provide them with a cause to return and compete with one another regularly. Therefore, it is safe to assume that incorporating this experience into any of your applications makes them more joyful for your customers to use.

Having to rewrite your website or app is the least appealing aspect of this solution. The addition of gamification to your program does nothing to improve its performance; rather, it just enriches the user experience by making it more entertaining and rewarding for the user. The inclusion of gamification elements directly influences the number of downloads of an app. 

How to Speed Up Mobile Development

The COVID-19 pandemic has become the decisive test for business adaptability. To continue business as usual, organizations have to adapt to a new era where social distancing and digital interactions are the norm.

To do so, many businesses worldwide, particularly in the areas most affected by the virus outbreak, are adopting remote work policies and new channels of interaction with customers, including the use of mobile apps to smooth collaboration and communication. Although laptops are still key to a successful move to this new reality, mobile devices are essential in our professional and private lives. In fact, consumers spent 1.6 trillion hours in mobile apps in the first half of 2020. And, the time spent in business apps increased by 220 percent, when compared to the last quarter of 2019.

Application Development: Are You Making the Right Investments for Speed?

In our 2020 state of application development survey, 21 percent of 2,200 IT professionals said they were changing faster than their competition, and 19 percent and 21 percent said they could deliver mobile and web apps, respectively, in 1-2 months or less. How do they do it? According to our Speed of Change report, they use modern application development technology that drives a customer focus and increases their speed. But before you rush off and invest in an application development platform that promises speed, there are some things to consider to ensure you invest wisely.

Ready to Develop an Application at High Speed? Not so Fast

Consider everything involved with hand-coding an app, scaling it, and changing not long after it is released. Describing the development process would increase the length of this post to War and Peace proportions. And my figurative hat goes off to all the designers, developers, and architects who spend as much as 12 months doing this. But what if it’s a virtual care app that has to go live in a month?

5 Common Myths Debunked: Hybrid Vs Native

Mobile applications are now what consumer software was in the early 90s and what websites were in the 1st decade of the 21st century. Every company has a mobile application out there; well, almost every company. And though some mobile applications directly impact a business by generating leads and enabling sales like apps that facilitate ticket booking or the ones which support eCommerce, there are other kinds of apps that help increase brand awareness.

So whether you are selling tickets to your motivational seminar (event application), want to sell your real estate (property listing apps with virtual tour), or want to connect local businesses with end customers (service listing app) there is an app for all your business need. And if you are considering whether or not to invest in a mobile application, here is one important piece of information which you should consider – YOUR COMPETITION ALREADY HAS A MOBILE APPLICATION OUT IN THE MARKET, AND PEOPLE ARE USING AND LOVING IT.

Explaining the Difference Between Web and Mobile App Testing

If a product has a web and a mobile version of an application, their functionality is almost identical. The app QA process, however, will flow differently for each platform due to their particularities.

A mobile application has become an umbrella term that covers three different types of apps – native, PWA, and hybrid. Each is coded in a specific way and has some distinctive features. 

Intelligent Automation in the Palm of Your Hand

The global workforce has transitioned to a mobile workforce. The number of mobile workers will grow to 1.9 billion by 2022, which will make up 43 percent of the total workforce [1]. This mobile workforce growth influences enterprise mobility needs.

As far as office automation is concerned, business users need the ability to orchestrate and supervise their digital workforce from anywhere. At Automation Anywhere, we offer a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) mobile app to access your live RPA dashboard securely. Users now can start, pause, and stop attended RPA bots from the app, monitor ROI and performance data, or receive automation alerts.